Thieves caught after stopping for fast food at McDonalds drive-thru

Both admitted guilt, Hodgson got 15 months, Scott received one year.

July 19th 2024.

Thieves caught after stopping for fast food at McDonalds drive-thru
A pair of hungry burglars recently made headlines after being caught in a rather ironic and unexpected way. It all started when Carl Hodgson and Jordan Scott decided to commit a burglary in the Wardley area of Gateshead, stealing a total of £1,500 in cash, valuables, and even a set of car keys.

Little did they know, their crime would come back to bite them in a rather unexpected way. A week later, the duo found themselves craving some fast food and headed to a nearby McDonald's drive-thru. Little did they know, their car had been marked as a "vehicle of interest" by the police and was caught on CCTV at the restaurant.

Despite the potential risk, the pair went ahead and ordered 20 chicken nuggets and two medium cokes, spending a total of £9.41. However, they didn't get to enjoy their meal for long as later that day, the police were hot on their trail and brought their car to a stop.

While the driver, Jordan Scott, tried to make a run for it, he was eventually found hiding in a pig pen on a nearby farm. Meanwhile, his accomplice, Carl Hodgson, was later arrested at a different location.

The two were charged with burglary and appeared in court, where they both pleaded guilty. Hodgson received a sentence of 15 months in prison, while Scott was sentenced to a year behind bars. This outcome was made possible thanks to the hard work and dedication of the Gateshead Serious Organised and Acquisitive Crime Team, who were praised by Detective Sergeant Ian Ritchie of the Northumbria Police.

He stated, "This is a great example of everyone working together to achieve a positive outcome for the community. Burglary can have a significant impact on property owners and the surrounding area, which is why it's crucial that we find and stop those responsible. The team went above and beyond to apprehend these offenders, showing that we take matters like this very seriously and will act on your concerns."

He also took the opportunity to remind the public to remain vigilant and take necessary precautions, such as locking windows and doors and keeping valuables out of sight. With everyone working together, we can help prevent crimes like this from happening in the future.

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