They provide support for those affected by breast cancer at all stages of diagnosis and treatment.

Nonprofits to provide info & guidance on breast cancer.

November 2nd 2023.

They provide support for those affected by breast cancer at all stages of diagnosis and treatment.
Every October, the nation focuses on breast cancer awareness. While much of the messaging is geared towards finding a cure, there is also a need to spread awareness of the resources available to those at risk and those coping after diagnosis. BLACK ENTERPRISE has sourced a number of organizations that are dedicated to tackling the challenges Black women face when dealing with breast cancer.

Before diagnosis, it is important to be aware of the costs that are associated with screening, such as mammograms. cites that the average cost is over a thousand dollars, which can be a large expense for many Black Americans. Thankfully, many states have tools in place to help with the cost of early breast cancer screening.

For expectant parents who receive a breast cancer diagnosis, the concern is doubled. The National Cancer Institute states that breast cancer is the most common cancer in pregnant and postpartum women, occurring in about 1 in 3,000 pregnant women. The NCI website offers a guide to help pregnant women understand what to expect when expecting in conjunction with a breast cancer diagnosis.

Once diagnosed, the cost of treatments can be overwhelming. Organizations like The Keep A Breast Foundation are dedicated to raising funds for research and helping Black women living with breast cancer. For those whose standard treatments are not viable, clinical trials offer hope. Organizations like When We Trial offer education on clinical trials, as well as connections to organizations conducting clinical trials and testimonies from survivors.

Surviving breast cancer is just the first step. Dealing with the physical and emotional toll of the disease can be difficult. Fortunately, Living Beyond Breast Cancer is an organization dedicated to creating a community for survivors, to help fill information gaps and provide support.

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