Therapist offers advice for finding a committed partner in 5 simple steps.

September 26th 2024.

Therapist offers advice for finding a committed partner in 5 simple steps.
Dating in the modern world can be quite a daunting task. With the rise of dating apps and the endless options they provide, it's no wonder that finding a serious relationship seems nearly impossible. From disappointing Hinge dates to unsuccessful "situationships," it can feel like we are constantly stuck at square one.

According to Annie Zimmerman, also known as @your_pocket_therapist on TikTok, there are five key steps that can help us find a lasting partner amidst the chaos. In a video shared with her 350,000 followers, she advises that the first and most crucial step is to embody the qualities that we desire in a partner. For instance, if we are looking for someone who is emotionally available and a good communicator, we should lead by example and communicate our own feelings to them.

Annie's second tip is to be prepared to walk away. While it may be tempting to hold on to a relationship that isn't working, the London-based psychotherapist cautions against trying to force things. Instead, she encourages us to listen to our gut and be willing to say no if things don't feel right.

Next, Annie warns us to be cautious of intense highs and lows in a relationship. While some may see this as a normal part of a relationship, she suggests that it could be a sign of love bombing and may not be a stable foundation for a long-term partnership.

In her fourth point, Annie advises us to avoid dating individuals who we see as "projects" or have "potential." She reminds us that if we don't like someone for who they are right now, it's unlikely that they will change and we may end up disappointed.

Lastly, Annie emphasizes the importance of putting our energy into relationships that are equal and reciprocal. It may seem obvious, but it's easy to get caught up in something that is one-sided and not truly fulfilling.

In addition to Annie's insights, psychologist and sex and relationships adviser Barbara Santini stresses the importance of self-reflection and emotional intelligence. She believes that understanding our own relationship patterns, values, and attachment styles not only promotes personal growth but also attracts partners who resonate with our authenticity.

Effective communication is also crucial in the search for a serious relationship, according to Barbara. She suggests being transparent about our intentions from the beginning and discussing what "serious" means to each individual. This can help clarify alignment and potentially create deeper connections.

As for red flags that someone may not be looking for a serious relationship, Barbara points out inconsistencies between their words and actions. If someone claims to want a committed relationship but continues to engage in casual dating or avoids discussing the future, it may indicate a lack of genuine interest.

It's also important to pay attention to how our potential partner includes us in their life. If they consistently keep us at a distance or refuse to integrate us into their social circles, it may suggest a lack of investment in building a lasting relationship.

In the end, finding a serious relationship in the modern world may seem challenging, but by following these tips and being mindful of our own needs and boundaries, we can increase our chances of finding a fulfilling and lasting partnership. Do you have a story to share about your dating experiences? We would love to hear from you. Get in touch by emailing us.

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