The Wuji Asian Circle in Edinburgh is a must-visit spot for those looking for delicious Asian cuisine.

"Don't dismiss dining out for BBQ - it's about the quality ingredients and bonding with loved ones, not just the food presentation. Wuji Asian Circle in Edinburgh delivers on both."

August 15th 2024.

The Wuji Asian Circle in Edinburgh is a must-visit spot for those looking for delicious Asian cuisine.
I'm sure you're wondering, why bother going out for BBQ when you can easily do it at home? But let me tell you, there's something special about the BBQ experience that you just can't replicate at home.

It's not just about the food itself, but the quality ingredients and the bonding time with your loved ones. And let's be honest, sometimes all you need is a hearty serving of marinated meat to comfort yourself.

But don't make the mistake of thinking that cooking your own food means poor service. At Wuji Asian Circle, the staff are incredibly friendly and helpful. They'll even make suggestions on what to order and assist with cooking times for each ingredient. They want you to enjoy the experience without any worries.

The ordering process is simple, similar to many dim sum restaurants. You're given a menu the size of a placemat and a dry-erase marker to check off your choices. Most of the items are included in the fixed price of £33 for unlimited BBQ, but there are a few dishes that may have an additional fee.

On our visit, we indulged in a variety of meats such as beef fillet, beef sirloin, spicy marinated skirt, pork belly roll, rosemary cumin lamb leg, garlic and ginger marinated thighs, and more. We also couldn't resist trying some Korean side dishes, known as banchan.

To warm ourselves up on a cold and rainy day, we also ordered two mains – bibimbap and pork belly jjigae. The staff brought out our selection of food, and we couldn't believe how much we had ordered. Note to self: start small and ask for more if you're still hungry.

Once our feast was laid out on the table and the grill was heated and oiled, it was time to start cooking. We usually save the best for last, but with our stomachs growling, we decided to cook the beef fillet first. And boy, were we glad we did. Cooked to perfection, the meat was juicy and flavorful, and we could tell it was high quality.

My dining companion, who had initially expressed a preference for skirt steak, was blown away by the beef fillet and questioned their previous judgment. As a lover of spicy food, I couldn't wait to try the spicy marinated skirt, along with the prawns and squid. The marinade was a perfect balance of sweet and spicy, without overpowering the natural flavors of the seafood.

The rosemary cumin lamb legs were also a hit with both of us. They were perfectly seasoned and tender. And of course, we couldn't go wrong with the bibimbap – a harmonious blend of flavors from the various ingredients, sesame oil, and gochujang.

As for the pork belly jjigae, it was the ultimate comfort food. Paired with a bowl of rice, it hit the spot. I personally prefer it a bit spicier, but adding some kimchi on top easily fixed that.

We also enjoyed some Japanese Yamazaki Distiller's Reserve as we ate. Despite being fans of Scottish whisky, we couldn't deny the smoothness and ease of drinking this particular dram.

My only criticism would be that the vegetables could have used some oil or tin foil before grilling, but that could have just been our cooking technique. Despite being no stranger to BBQs, I usually leave the grilling to someone else.

By the end of our meal, I felt like I needed to be forklifted out of the restaurant. But it was worth it. The meat was delicious, and the experience was unforgettable. I can't wait to go back to Wuji Asian Circle and try more of their Japanese and Korean BBQ dishes. And maybe even check out one of their karaoke rooms upstairs.

Wuji Asian Circle is located at 75 Holyrood Road, Edinburgh EH8 8PJ. Check out their other reviews here and be sure to subscribe to read the latest issue of Scottish Field. Trust me, you won't want to miss it.

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