The UN hopes to end AIDS by 2030.

UN study suggests AIDS pandemic could be over by 2030.

July 18th 2023.

The UN hopes to end AIDS by 2030.
In a momentous announcement earlier this week, the United Nations declared that the AIDS pandemic could be completely eliminated by the year 2030. The report, titled “The Path that Ends AIDS,” outlines the political and financial strategies that must be implemented in order to reach this ambitious goal.

UNAIDS Executive Director Winnie Byanyima stated that “some leaders are already following the path – and succeeding.” The data and real-world examples presented in the report make it very clear what needs to be done: prioritize people and communities in policies and programs.

Byanyima highlighted some African countries that have already achieved the “95-95-95” benchmark, which involves 95% of HIV-positive people knowing their status, 95% of those people being on treatment, and 95% of those people being virally suppressed. This proves that investing in HIV prevention can have a significant impact on the AIDS epidemic.

Fox News reported that in 2022, an estimated 39 million people around the world were living with HIV. Without proper treatment, this virus can develop into AIDS. In addition to providing treatments, another way to end the AIDS pandemic is to adopt non-discriminatory laws.

Unfortunately, there has been a slight increase in new infection cases in Eastern Europe, central Asia, the Middle East, and North Africa, due to the punitive laws and social discrimination that these countries impose on marginalized and key populations. The UN believes that ending this discrimination is essential to ending the AIDS pandemic.

The goal of eliminating AIDS by 2030 is challenging, but it is achievable. With strong political leadership, scientific data and evidence, efficient funding, and the help of communities and civil society organizations, the UN believes that this goal can be reached.

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