The steps by the train station were voted London's worst.

The people are looking in the wrong direction.

September 20th 2024.

The steps by the train station were voted London's worst.
Londoners are outraged by the label given to the stairs near a bustling station - the "worst in London." The peculiar slanted design has caused quite a stir among commuters and visitors alike, who have taken to social media to express their dismay. Many have even deemed the stairs "bizarre" and "dodgy," claiming they require extra focus to navigate safely.

The station in question is London Bridge, a historic landmark that has been in operation for an impressive 187 years. It sees a daily footfall of 130,567 people, all of whom must use the dreaded stairs at some point during their journey. 25-year-old Tom Cleaver is just one of the many who have been left astounded by the stairwell's impracticality.

When asked about his experience with the stairs, Tom shared, "This diagonal staircase at London Bridge is the worst staircase in London. Feel free to chime in if you feel differently, but I'm pretty confident." His tweet, shared on August 29, 2024, quickly gained attention and sparked a heated discussion about the design.

Tom's sentiment was echoed by fellow Londoner, Fareed, who shared a photo of the stairs on X. The post gained almost a million views and was captioned, "This diagonal staircase at London Bridge is the worst staircase in London. Feel free to chime in if you feel differently, but I'm pretty confident."

Neil Clayton, a solicitor who uses the stairs twice a week, has even heard of colleagues tumbling down the slanted steps. "It's just not very well designed," he commented. "It may look lovely, but looks can be deceiving. Safety should be the top priority."

It's no surprise that the stairs have garnered so much attention, considering their unique design and the volume of people who use them daily. As Londoners continue to voice their outrage, perhaps the station will consider making some changes to improve the safety and practicality of their stairway. In the meantime, visitors and commuters will just have to tread carefully and hope for the best.

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