The sequel to Helldivers has been cancelled in 177 countries and the developer is unsure of their next steps.

Helldivers 2 sales affected by new PSN login policy as players review bomb it in multiple countries.

May 5th 2024.

The sequel to Helldivers has been cancelled in 177 countries and the developer is unsure of their next steps.
Helldivers 2 has been making headlines lately, but unfortunately not for the reasons we had hoped. What was once a surprise hit of the year has now been pulled from sale in many countries, causing a wave of negative reviews from players. It's a disappointing turn of events for the online shooter, which had been soaring high with success.

The issue at hand is the new PSN login policy for Helldivers 2. In order to play the game, players must now link their PlayStation Network account. This may not seem like a big deal for those in the UK, US, and other key PlayStation regions, but it's causing quite the stir for players in the 177 countries without easy access to PSN.

It's a bit of a mystery as to how Sony didn't anticipate this problem, but the consequences are clear. The game's review rating on Steam has plummeted to "overwhelmingly negative," and even the developer, Arrowhead Game Studios, is at a loss for what to do. It's a huge misstep that has left many scratching their heads.

The trouble began last Friday when it was revealed that the game was always meant to require a linked PSN account, but a "grace period" had been created at launch where it wasn't necessary. Most players were unaware of this, but Sony has now made it mandatory for all players to link their accounts by June 4.

This sudden change has resulted in a tsunami of negative reviews on Steam, and while some players have reported success in getting refunds through Steam alone, Sony has refused to issue any. The lack of communication and support from both Sony and Arrowhead has only added fuel to the fire.

Johan Pilestedt, CEO and creative director of Helldivers 2, has been active on Twitter, trying to address the situation. He has acknowledged that this change is causing problems for players in countries without PSN support, and has promised to work with PlayStation to find a solution. He also takes partial responsibility for not making players aware of the account linking requirement.

Meanwhile, Sony claims that the primary reason for this change is to prevent online abuse and make it easier to issue bans. However, it's no secret that they also want players' details for marketing purposes. It's a frustrating situation for all involved, and it remains to be seen how it will be resolved and if players will return once the dust settles.

In the midst of all this chaos, Helldivers 2 has released an important message from their partner PlayStation regarding the account linking requirement and its significance in ensuring player safety. It's a reminder that this decision was made with good intentions, but the execution has caused more harm than good.

In the gaming community, there is always room for discussion and opinions. Some have even speculated about the real reason behind this sudden change, with rumors spreading about the possibility of Helldivers 2 coming to Xbox in the future. Only time will tell how this will all play out.

Despite this setback, Helldivers 2 remains a highly anticipated game, and we can only hope that it will soon return to its former glory. In the meantime, let's continue to support the gaming industry and have respectful conversations about these issues. After all, that's what being a true Helldiver is all about.

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