The proposal from my partner was a letdown and now I have negative feelings towards them.

At first I didn't believe it, but then I saw the ring.

May 15th 2024.

The proposal from my partner was a letdown and now I have negative feelings towards them.
Libby was overjoyed when her partner finally proposed to her after 12 years of being together. Despite a rocky start in their relationship, they have worked through their differences and become a strong couple. Libby had always hoped for a romantic and thoughtful proposal at the waterfront where they first met, but her partner surprised her with a proposal in their hotel room while they were eating frozen yogurt.

Although the ring was not what they had discussed, Libby was still happy to be engaged. However, as she tried to put the ring on, she realized it was too big and the setting for the center stone was too high. She couldn't help but feel disappointed and saddened by the lack of effort her partner put into the proposal.

Their anniversary trip to Las Vegas was supposed to be a special occasion, but Libby couldn't help but feel like her partner had just winged the proposal without any thought or planning. She was upset that she didn't have any pictures to remember the moment and questioned if her partner could do anything without her.

Dating and relationship expert, Hayley Quinn, explains that the proposal may have triggered deeper issues in their relationship. Libby's resentment towards her partner for not taking a leadership role in their relationship may have manifested in her disappointment with the proposal. However, Quinn also suggests that Libby may be judging her partner too harshly and not appreciating the other ways he contributes to their relationship.

To work through the disappointment, Quinn advises clear communication and radical acceptance. Libby should express her expectations and frustrations to her partner, while also being open to accepting that he may not be the romantic type. It's important for Libby to appreciate her partner's efforts in other aspects of their relationship and be willing to compromise and accept him for who he is.

Overall, the key to a successful relationship is effective communication and understanding. Libby and her partner can work through this disappointment and strengthen their relationship by appreciating each other's efforts and finding ways to meet each other's needs.

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