The night was ruined when he spoke.

He continuously messed with his hair, talking nonstop and nervously chuckling.

July 13th 2024.

The night was ruined when he spoke.
I had high hopes when I first saw his profile on Tinder. He had a great profile picture, with a confident smile and a Jack Sparrow-esque mustache. I didn't hesitate to swipe right, and was thrilled when we matched. We hit it off immediately, chatting about everything from sports to our mutual love for Lord of the Rings.

When he suggested a date at the SeaLife aquarium, I thought it was a cute idea and eagerly agreed. We also planned to grab lunch at a nearby Italian restaurant beforehand. But when he showed up, I couldn't help but notice how nervous he seemed. His voice was shaking and he was fidgety, picking at his food with his fork.

I tried my best to make him feel at ease, asking him questions and trying to connect with him. But it was clear that he was struggling with nerves. However, once we entered the aquarium, something changed. He became talkative and couldn't stop making fish puns. I appreciate a good pun as much as the next person, but after a while, it started to feel a bit forced.

As the date came to an end, he seemed to panic and awkwardly patted me on the shoulder before leaving. And then, out of nowhere, a dog appeared and spilled his drink all over him. It turns out the dog's owner was heading to the same pub as us, and the dog just couldn't resist coming over to say hello.

Despite the unexpected interruption, I decided to give him another chance. We arranged to meet at a pub for our second date, hoping that a few drinks might help with any nerves. But it didn't go as smoothly as I had hoped. He ended up choking on his cider and I had to pat his back to help him. And then, a homeless man approached our table and started talking to us. I didn't know what to do, so I engaged in conversation with him while my date nervously played with his hair.

The homeless man, who introduced himself as Sean, showed us his drawings and even gave me a portrait he had drawn of me. It was a bit strange, but I didn't want to be rude and decline it. Eventually, Sean left and my date and I were left alone again. It was clear that the date was not going well, and when he tried to kiss me at the end, I could only give him my cheek.

Despite all the unexpected and awkward moments, he asked me out again. But as much as I appreciated his persistence, I knew that I couldn't go through all of that again. We still see each other from time to time, but we don't talk at all. It was definitely a wild and memorable date, but not one that I want to repeat.

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