The NAACP strongly condemns the hate crime in Chicago that resulted in the death of a Palestinian child.

NAACP grieved the death of the young kindergartner, with CEO Derrick Johnson voicing their sorrow.

October 18th 2023.

The NAACP strongly condemns the hate crime in Chicago that resulted in the death of a Palestinian child.
The NAACP has released a formal statement of deep sorrow in the wake of the shocking and tragic murder of six-year-old Wadea Al-Fayoume. The young Palestinian-American child was targeted in a hate crime due to his Muslim identity in the midst of recent violence between Israel and Palestine.

When the attack occurred, Wadea’s mother was also stabbed multiple times, though she is expected to recover from her critical condition. Wadea, however, did not survive the horrific attack and passed away at a local hospital.

In response to the incident, NAACP President and CEO Derrick Johnson proclaimed that the organization grieves the loss of the young boy and condemns any and all acts of hate. He stated that hateful conspiracy theories have resulted in the untimely death of far too many, and that the NAACP is committed to doing everything in its power to end hate and keep vulnerable communities safe.

The NAACP also took to social media to share their sentiments, calling out the spread of misinformation and hateful conspiracy theories.

The perpetrator, Joseph Czuba, has been detained and charged with first-degree murder, attempted first-degree murder, two counts of a hate crime, and aggravated battery with a deadly weapon. Furthermore, the federal government has launched a hate crimes investigation into the incident.

It is heartbreaking to think that Wadea Al-Fayoume’s life was taken in such a tragic and violent manner. The NAACP is dedicated to advocating for justice and peace in the wake of this tragedy, and will continue to stand against any form of hate.

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