The most chaotic flight paths in the world.

A plane from Singapore Airlines experienced severe turbulence recently.

May 22nd 2024.

The most chaotic flight paths in the world.
During a flight from London to Singapore, passengers on Flight SQ321 experienced a terrifying incident that led to the plane being diverted to Bangkok. The flight had been going smoothly for 10 hours until it suddenly hit extreme turbulence, causing chaos and panic among the passengers.

The turbulence was so severe that the plane dropped 7,000 feet in just six minutes, throwing anyone who wasn't wearing a seatbelt out of their seats. Sadly, the incident resulted in the injury of 71 passengers, with seven in critical condition. Tragically, one passenger, British grandfather Geoffrey Ralph Kitchen, passed away due to a heart attack, likely caused by his pre-existing heart condition.

This news is especially frightening for those who are already afraid of flying. However, it's important to note that such devastating incidents are rare. According to experts, turbulence is a natural occurrence caused by air currents and is usually mild, causing only a few bumps.

In fact, statistics show that around 65,000 flights encounter moderate turbulence every year, with only 5,500 experiencing severe turbulence. To put things into perspective, Turbli, a turbulence prediction website, examined 150,000 routes and found that the most turbulent journey of last year was from Santiago, Chile, to Viru Viru International airport in Bolivia. Other routes that made it to the top 10 were domestic routes in Japan and China, as well as two routes in Europe.

One might wonder why certain routes are more prone to turbulence than others. According to Turbli's founder, Ignacio Gallego Marcos, this is because regions with mountains tend to experience more turbulence due to the "mountain wave turbulence" phenomenon. In other words, the Andes and Alps are more likely to cause turbulence due to their geographical features.

Have you ever experienced turbulence during a flight? If so, you're not alone. Thousands of flights encounter turbulence every year, but thankfully, they are usually minor and do not result in any serious incidents. However, it's always important to follow safety protocols and fasten your seatbelt during a flight, as you never know when turbulence may occur.

Do you have a story about a turbulent flight? We would love to hear it! Get in touch by emailing us at email. In the meantime, if you're planning to travel, don't worry too much about turbulence – just sit back, relax, and enjoy the journey. And remember, don't forget to fasten your seatbelt!

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