The man and his wife engaged in sexual activity on a bollard placed by their neighbour during a dispute about parking.

He feels extremely ashamed of what happened and it was a difficult thing to understand.

March 4th 2023.

The man and his wife engaged in sexual activity on a bollard placed by their neighbour during a dispute about parking.
Lee Craig McConnell, 28, confessed to indecent exposure after his neighbour discovered CCTV footage of him masturbating outside of his home and engaging in sexual intercourse with his wife on top of a bollard the woman had erected in an effort to prevent McConnell from parking in her spot in Meadow View, Blandford Forum. Richard Withey, the prosecutor, described the footage of the incident which occurred on October 26, 2019. He said: “It clearly shows the defendant facing the camera and masturbating. He appears to be talking and she [McConnell’s wife] is wearing some sort of gown, who then walks towards the bollard, goes over the bollard and engages in that [sexual] act. He finishes and walks into the house.”

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The residents of the small cul-de-sac of ten houses frequently had difficulty parking due to McConnell's inconsiderate parking habits, which had caused conflict between him and his neighbour.

Lee Craig McConnell, 28, was found guilty of indecent exposure after he was caught on CCTV engaging in a sexual act with his wife over a bollard erected by a neighbour in an effort to stop him parking in her space in Meadow View, Blandford Forum. Richard Withey, prosecuting, stated that the footage revealed McConnell facing the camera and masturbating, before walking to the bollard and engaging in the sexual act with his wife. The court was also told that the cul-de-sac of 10 houses regularly faced difficulty in parking due to McConnell's inconsiderate parking.

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Despite pleading his innocence, McConnell was found guilty of indecent exposure

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