The makers of Cards Against Humanity are taking legal action against Elon Musk for a strange cause, seeking $15 million in damages.

Cards Against Humanity is suing for $15 million, filing their lawsuit on Thursday.

September 21st 2024.

The makers of Cards Against Humanity are taking legal action against Elon Musk for a strange cause, seeking $15 million in damages.
The popular adult party game, Cards Against Humanity, has recently taken legal action against billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk's aerospace company, SpaceX. It is alleged that SpaceX has been trespassing on and damaging Cards Against Humanity's property in Texas. The lawsuit, filed on Thursday, is seeking a hefty sum of $15 million in damages.

The disputed land is a vacant plot located near Brownsville, Texas. While it may be quite a distance from Cards Against Humanity's headquarters in Chicago, it is in close proximity to SpaceX's headquarters, known as Starbase. According to the lawsuit, SpaceX has been using the land without permission for the past six months as a staging area for their construction projects. This includes activities such as clearing vegetation, parking vehicles, storing materials, and running generators.

Cards Against Humanity initially purchased the land in 2017 as a means of preventing former President Donald Trump from building a border wall along the US-Mexico border. The company launched a crowdfunding effort, with 150,000 individuals each contributing $15 towards the cause. Now, if the lawsuit is successful, Cards Against Humanity plans to distribute the funds to those donors, with each person receiving up to $100.

The lawsuit states, "CAH acquired the Property for the sole purpose of ensuring that it would stay that way." It goes on to say that SpaceX's unauthorized use of the land has not only caused physical damage, but has also damaged Cards Against Humanity's relationship with their paying supporters.

Elon Musk has recently relocated many of his business operations to Texas, including X, Tesla, and SpaceX. Cards Against Humanity claims that when they initially raised concerns about SpaceX's use of their land, the company offered to buy it for less than half its value and gave them only 12 hours to accept the deal. Cards Against Humanity declined the offer.

The company also added a humorous touch to their lawsuit, stating that they would accept as compensation. This is a reference to the social media platform that Musk acquired in 2022 and renamed X. The lawsuit also includes "before-and-after" photos of the land, showing the natural condition before SpaceX's alleged intrusion and the construction equipment and materials afterwards.

SpaceX is a highly sought-after company, known for its efficient and groundbreaking rockets and satellite-launch services. Just this month, they made history by sending four private citizens 870 miles above Earth's surface, the highest humans have reached since 1972. In addition, earlier this year, they successfully launched their Starship megarocket to orbit and back.

However, SpaceX has also faced criticism for their reliance on government contracts and their dominance in the market. They currently hold an estimated 80% share of the space launch market and continue to secure new contracts with the US government. In addition, the company has been accused of violating environmental regulations at their Texas launch facility by releasing pollutants into nearby bodies of water.

The news of the lawsuit was first reported by Reuters. When contacted for comment, SpaceX has yet to respond. It remains to be seen how this legal battle between Cards Against Humanity and SpaceX will unfold.

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