The Kamala Honeymoon Countdown Has Begun

The Democrats are filled with joy — joy and hating Trump is the campaign strategy for the Dems — at the replacement of the cadaverous, demented Joe Biden with someone with a heartbeat even if it is Kamala Harris. Who would not be?

“I borrowed a few pants suits from Hillary. So what?”

Do you remember that Nascar feeling when Joe Biden spoke publicly, holding your breath to see if he’d shit himself verbally or get lost in his own conversation with the voices in his head.

Now, with Kamala, we don’t have that fear, but we do have THE CACKLE. Well, sure, partly because Kam Girl doesn’t actually speak to the press, but she’s not demented like Joe.

So, what happens now, Big Red Car?

Well, we’re going to see a return to reality. Let’s take a look a the road map. Who doesn’t love a road trip?

 1. Knifing Joe Biden in the back and replacing him with Kamala was a cruel, heartless, and vicious act orchestrated by the Dem elites led by Obama. Had to be done. Joe was a bloody disaster.

 2. Somehow Kamala, who had not won a single primary vote even back when she ran for President in 2020, was anointed as the replacement candidate.

Again, look for Obama’s fingerprints on this. Who doesn’t love a coup d’etat?

 3. Kamala picked this clown Walz from Minnesota who avoided deployment, lied about his service record, and lied that he was a retired command sergeant major. He’s also as far left as you can be supporting abortion through third grade.

Pro tip: Barack, you should have picked Josh Shapiro from Pennsylvania. Kid is good and you would have owned Pennsylvania. Bad move, amigo.

Abortion is, of course, the religion of the Dem party. There are more abortions in the US post Dobbs (SCOTUS case that sent the ovesight of abortions laws back to the states from which it originally came prior to Roe v Wade) than before.

 4. The excisement of Joe Biden from the Dem party was concluded brutally on the first night of the Democrat National Convention when he was relegated to speak at midnight after a series of no name unknown speakers preceded him.

No Prime Time Joe because that would have diverted from the coronation of Kamala. But, remember, we all love Joe.

Joe is pissed. Jill is pissed. Hunter is pissed. Nobody cares. Yesterday’s news.

 5. The DNC has a few more predictable speakers — newsflash Bill Clinton has now been rehabilitated and will speak after the Obamas — and then Kamala gets the formal nomination. I am predicting she accepts.

[Side note: 70-year-old, sleek, tight-faced, billionaire Oprah stole the show. Made the Obamas and Clintons look like yesterday’s fish wrapper. Bravo and well played.]

 6. There will absolutely be a post convention bump. Just a little one.

 7. Monday, 2 September, is Labor Day — the beaches will be empty and Election 2024 begins in earnest as it does every four years.

It was always going to be starting in earnest after Labor Day. Bumps? Sure, everybody got bumps, but after Labor Day, it’s game on.

Every year, the media pretends some candidate or the other has a knockout advantage, but it doesn’t get real until after Labor Day.

 8. The first real event of Election 2024 will be on September 10 at 9:00 EST when Trump and Kamala debate before ABC moderators John Muir and Linsey Davis (black chica who recently alluded to Trump’s love of the KKK) in Philadelphia.

FFS, ABC and these two biased hacks? I always knew Kamala would never agree to a debate with Fox News, but ABC?

Then, it will be a grind to Election Day. This will be one of the most active campaigns in recent history and it will be full tilt every day.

The Battleground

The election outcome will be determined in seven states and the candidates will spend most of their time and advertising money in those states.

Arizona (11 electoral votes) – seems to favor Trump as it is a border state and Kamala is the failed Border Czar even if says she is not

Georgia (16) – solidly for Trump except for the Governor and Secretary of State who are both closet Dems

Michigan (15) – too close to call, but the New Green Deal is going to backfire in Michigan

Nevada (6) – too close to call

North Carolina (16) – Trump by a landslide

Pennsylvania (19) – solidly Trump, but the Dems are convinced it is in play

Wisconsin (10) – unpredictable cheeseheads too close to call

You can play with the outcomes, but if Trump wins these states, it is all over. We shall see.

Trump is doing suspiciously well with black and Hispanic voters. So well I am skeptical as to the accuracy of these predictions. Wow!

The whole – Is Kamala black? thing is going to play big. Trust me on this one.

But, what happens, Big Red Car?

Well, dear reader, the love affair between Kamala and the fawning media will slowly age and policy issues will begin to bubble to the surface: the economy and inflation/grocery prices/taxes, the Southern border/immigration/invasion, world peace — that kind of serious adult stuff.

It will be a fairly easy campaign as there are two real records to compare and the comparisons are stark and gross. The media will continue to slobber all over Kamala, but the grocery line is where the action will be.

Trump is best served sticking to the issues and hammering Kamala on the Biden/Harris administration outcomes. If Trump sticks to the issues, this election is decided in the grocery checkout line.

Kamala and all the Dems will try to make it about Trump and abortion whilst ignoring the adult issues. Big mistake.

Bottom line it, Big Red Car, we’re going to workout

OK, dear reader, the honeymoon begins to wind down tonight right after Kamala ends her speech.

Joy and more joy will not be enough to blunt the anger about inflation, grocery prices, gas prices, increasing taxes, the border, and the prospect of World War III.

It won’t be a total wipeout, but the polls will slowly turn in Trump’s favor and by Election Day the outcome will be obvious.

Joy to the world.

But, hey, what the Hell do I really know anyway? I’m just a Big Red Car. Vote early and vote often. God bless us all. Joy!
