College students from around the country have been hacking away for about 18 hours now. At noon today at NYU's Courant Institute, the results will be demo'd. I will be there to see all the cool projects that have come to life in 24 hours of hacking.
This is the hackNY Hackathon which happens once a semester in NYC. Leading NYC companies send developer evangelists to the hackathon to explain how their APIs work. Then after all the APIs are explained, the students get busy and start building cool stuff on top of the APIs.
Regular readers know that hackNY is one of my favorite talent development efforts in NYC. hackNY runs a summer jobs program for talented college CS students from around the country to live and work in NYC with one of the many great startups we have here.
hackNY's summer program is run like a top college, you apply to participate and the top students are accepted. Participating in the hackNY hackathon is a great way to improve your chances of being accepted to the summer program.
If you want to find out more about hackNY and how to get involved, you can go here. If you want to follow the hackathon on twitter go here. And if you want to see some great projects demo'd, you can join me at Courant at noon today.