The Five Hour Club is a community for working parents, and this is an interview with one of the founders.

Can Dolly Parton replicate the success of '9 to 5' with a new song called 'Five Hour Club'?

July 4th 2024.

The Five Hour Club is a community for working parents, and this is an interview with one of the founders.
Amy Grilli has recently established a new community that aims to support and empower working parents. As a working parent herself, Amy knows firsthand the challenges of juggling a career and raising children. She understands the struggle of trying to balance high childcare costs, conflicting schedules, and the inevitable illnesses that come with young children. For Amy, this struggle became a reality when she left her job as a teacher to focus on raising her two young children. After five years of being out of the workforce, she found it difficult to reenter and continue her career.

Feeling frustrated and stuck, Amy had an "aha" moment when her eldest child started school. She found herself with an abundance of time between school runs and wanted to find a way to jumpstart her career again while still being present for her two children, who were now two and five years old. Although she had initially planned to pursue a career in psychology, the limitations of the school run made it seem unfeasible to pursue a full-time doctorate. As she explored her options for returning to paid work, Amy noticed common barriers that were shared by other parents she spoke to.

One of the biggest challenges was the lack of available jobs that offered school-hour or part-time schedules. Most job postings were unclear, often stating "full-time with flexible/part-time options available." This lack of transparency made it difficult for parents to know what kind of schedule they were actually applying for. This, coupled with the fear of asking for flexible hours, put parents at a disadvantage when applying for jobs. Additionally, the few part-time jobs available were often low-paying and would not cover the cost of childcare.

Feeling discouraged and questioning her self-worth, Amy realized that there needed to be a better solution for working parents. This led her to create the Five Hour Club, with the goal of helping parents maintain their careers and feel successful in the workplace. The club offers five-hour workday jobs that can be completed during school hours, allowing parents to have a work-life balance and continue their careers without the pressure of a traditional 9-5 job.

To make this vision a reality, Amy partnered with her friend and data analyst, Emma Harvey. Together, they launched a podcast, an online community, and a job board for five-hour workday positions. The response from parents and employers has been overwhelming, with many companies reaching out to offer these flexible schedules. Employers from various industries, including accounting, law, advertising, and retail, have shown interest in hiring parents for five-hour workday positions.

The focus of the Five Hour Club is on transferable skills, rather than just previous work experience. They believe that a skills-based approach will benefit parents who may have taken a significant career pause to raise their children. This approach also aligns with the growing trend of companies moving towards a four-day workweek, as studies have shown that people can only fully concentrate for four to five hours at a time. Employers who have already hired parents and offer flexible working arrangements have seen the positive impact on their employees' mental well-being and productivity.

Trust and clear expectations are key for the success of the Five Hour Club. Both employers and parents must be transparent about their needs and expectations to create a successful working relationship. The club aims to redefine the traditional 9-5 workday and create a new way of working that works for parents. So, if you're a working parent looking for a job with a flexible schedule, be sure to check out the Five Hour Club's job board on Metro's website. With hundreds of opportunities available, you may just find the perfect fit for your career and family life.

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