The emergency room

I visited the emergency room the other day. We ended up spending little time and went out almost as quickly as we went in.

The emergency room has a way of immediately inspiring appreciation for the many things that are working in my life that I take for granted – starting with my health. Good health can do that to you – it can easily foster a sense of complacency.

Everything in this life, however, is built on good health. The moment that becomes a problem, everything stops. And while any current run of good health may be largely due to a mix of youth, genetics, and good luck (whichever applies), in the long run, the decisions we make today determine the frequency and gravity of our visits to a hospital.

Hence the note to self – don’t take good health for granted – do the work to earn it.

And take inspiration from the stoic practice of negative visualization to regularly appreciate the parts of/people in your life that you would miss if they weren’t present/working as they are today.
