The current generation of video game consoles has been the worst ever.

The writer believes today's youth is the worst ever and criticizes Microsoft and Sony for not fulfilling their responsibilities.

September 21st 2024.

The current generation of video game consoles has been the worst ever.
What could possibly have gone wrong? It seems that the current generation has been deemed the worst one yet by a featured reader. They have pointed out that Microsoft and Sony are not fulfilling their responsibilities. However, the wait may soon be over. As I write this, there are rumors that the Nintendo Switch 2 has already been announced. And if not, it's only a matter of weeks before it happens. Of course, we all know that predicting Nintendo's moves is like trying to catch a slippery fish, but at the most, we are only six months away from a reveal, if not sooner.

And boy, do we need it. It's sad to say, but Sony and Microsoft have been utterly useless and out of touch. It would almost be comical if it wasn't so disheartening. It's clear that both companies are fully focused on their next-generation consoles, while completely disregarding the disaster that is their current ones. It's no wonder their console sales are plummeting. Everyone else seems to know why, except for them. It's as if the idea of releasing new and exciting games has never crossed their minds. Instead, we get titles like Redfall and Concord.

At the beginning of this generation, things were looking good. Xbox seemed to have learned from the mistakes of the Xbox One, and Sony had an impressive lineup of PlayStation 5 games. Sure, there were a few too many cross-gen titles, but there were also exclusives like Demon's Souls, Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart, and Returnal, which were all fantastic.

However, the number of new games started to slow down, and most of the ones we did get were still cross-gen. But it wasn't a complete disaster yet. That is until Microsoft started throwing around their money, and Sony decided that single-player games, which were the cornerstone of the PlayStation 4's success, were no longer their focus.

As a result, sales for both companies started to decline, and at the same time, they both suddenly realized that games were too expensive now. So their solution was to stop making games altogether. Or at least that seems to be Sony's plan. Both companies have been a disappointment this generation, but at least Microsoft has the excuse of never being on top. Sony, on the other hand, should know better. They should be the wise old masters who no longer make rookie mistakes, but instead, they are acting like clueless fools.

The worst part is that there seems to be no end in sight. Xbox has some decent games coming out this Christmas, but it's evident that they won't sell well. Their future now seems to be tied to being a multiformat platform and relying on titles like Call of Duty. And even with their next-generation console on the horizon, it's hard to see it making a significant impact. Will it be enough to break the trend of declining sales?

Sony's situation is even worse. They are still in denial, it seems. Their game Concord was a colossal failure, and they have yet to address it or their approach to live service games in general. We have no information on what they have planned for the future, but they are already talking about the PlayStation 6!

It's hard to take anyone seriously who claims that this isn't the worst generation ever. Sure, there are still good games being made, but not thanks to Sony or Microsoft. Good games have always been around, but in previous generations like the SNES, PS1, or Xbox 360, we didn't have both companies acting like bumbling idiots and endangering the stability of the entire industry.

But let's not forget about the one bright spot in this mess: the Nintendo Switch. Despite all the chaos and disappointment from Sony and Microsoft, the Switch has been a success. And thankfully, we have a platform that is still dedicated to delivering great games and keeping gamers happy.

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