The Black Delegation now celebrates Aug. 5 as 'FadeInTheWater', a new day of rebellion, in addition to Juneteenth.

It's an exciting era to exist in!

August 5th 2024.

The Black Delegation now celebrates Aug. 5 as 'FadeInTheWater', a new day of rebellion, in addition to Juneteenth.
Believe it or not, social media was ablaze with posts about the X app, but this time it wasn't just for entertainment. Instead, people were using it to pay tribute to the brave brothers and sisters who banded together to take down "the man and his lady" in a massive brawl that shook Montgomery, Alabama last year.
At the heart of the chaos was Reggie Ray, a 40-something-year-old who reportedly gave a good beating to a racist family that attacked him while he was working as a co-captain on a ferry along the Alabama River. And thus, #FadeInTheWater was born, a hashtag that captures the unforgettable moment and today marks its one-year anniversary.
What a time to be alive! The Twitterverse was filled with tweets commemorating this "newest" Black holiday - #FadeInTheWater. August 5th will forever be known as the day when #MontgomeryBrawl and #Riverboat merged to create a significant day for Black America. And to top it off, there was even a hashtag that featured a folding chair, a symbol of the weapon used by Reggie Ray in his legendary fight.
We've come a long way, and it's worth celebrating. So, to all who celebrate, Happy August 5th - #MontgomeryBrawl Day, #FadeInTheWater Day! As UNK said in his tweet, "Mark the date & Lock It In."
And as Estradmus put it, "All rise for our national anthem!" That's right; the fight on the Alabama Riverfront united us and became a symbol of our resilience and strength. It's a reminder of our history of rebellion and resistance, from the Stono Rebellion to Denmark Vesey's uprising. These acts have always been driven by our unwavering desire for freedom, justice, and equality.
Even Black Enterprise couldn't resist sharing a post about this monumental event. The #FadeInTheWater was more than just a fight; it was a powerful moment where the Black community came together to protect one another and stand against injustice. It's a testament to the spirit of defiance that has been passed down from generation to generation.
And as the caption on the Instagram post read, "Power to the people." This Alabama brawl may have started as a chaotic event, but it ended up bringing us closer together and reminding us of our collective power. This is a day that will forever be remembered in history, and it's a reminder that we must continue to stand united against oppression and fight for our rights and dignity.

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