The Bible belonging to a priest who helped smuggle Charles II out of England will be auctioned off.

Father John Huddleston helped Charles II escape to France during the Civil War and was present when the king passed away.

March 18th 2023.

The Bible belonging to a priest who helped smuggle Charles II out of England will be auctioned off.
In the late 1950s, a bible believed to have belonged to the priest who aided King Charles II to flee England during the Civil War was bought for the modern equivalent of six old pence. Now, the 'very rare' find is said to be worth at least £2,000. When auctioneer John Crane first saw the bible in the house of a family in the Wirral, he remarked that it was 'the first time in 40 years I could use the word "unique"'. Father Huddleston, who helped the King to find refuge in France, was also present at Charles' death bed in 1685 to convert him to Catholicism. Mr Crane stated that 'buying this item is buying a piece of history' and that 'the signature alone is probably worth £600 to £800' due to the fact that it is Huddleston's personal bible. There is no track record to compare it to, which increases its value even further.

A bible which belonged to the priest who smuggled King Charles II out of England during the Civil War is anticipated to bring in thousands at auction, after it was bought for the equivalent of six old pence in the late 1950s -

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. Auctioneer John Crane described the discovery as 'very rare', and mused that it was the first time in 40 years he could use the word 'unique'. Father John Huddleston was the one who organised the King's safe passage, and was present at his death bed to convert him to the Catholic faith in 1685. Mr Crane stated that buying this item is 'buying a piece of history', as it is possible that the bible was with Charles at the time of his death. The book contains Father Huddleston's signature, and Mr Crane remarked that the signature alone could be worth between £600 to £800, but the increase in value comes from it being his personal bible, as there is no record to refer to.

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