Thai community infuriated by monkeys devises strategy to relocate them.

Thailand town combats rampaging monkeys with clever tactics and fresh fruit to control population.

May 24th 2024.

Thai community infuriated by monkeys devises strategy to relocate them.
In the bustling town of Lopburi, located in central Thailand, residents have been facing a major problem caused by their wild monkey population. These mischievous simians have been wreaking havoc on the town, leading the authorities to take action in order to reduce their numbers.

Recent conflicts between monkeys and humans have prompted the authorities to come up with a plan to capture and relocate the animals. The first step of the plan was put into action on Friday, where cages were baited with ripe tropical fruits, the monkeys' favorite food. The hope is that hunger will override their natural caution and they will enter the cages, allowing for their capture.

In one street, the plan was successful as three macaques fell for the trick and were captured. The cages had been placed earlier in the week to familiarize the monkeys with them and make them less threatening. With an estimated population of 2500 monkeys in the town, this initial capture of 33 animals is just a small dent in the overall number.

The operation will continue for five days this month and may be repeated in the future. However, it is not expected to be an easy task. The monkeys have proven to be intelligent and may not fall for the same trick twice. Patarapol Maneeorn from Thailand's Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation explains, "If some of them go into the cage and are caught, the others outside won't enter because they've already learned what's happened to their friends."

These monkeys have long been a symbol of the town and a major tourist attraction. However, their aggressive behavior, including stealing food and causing injuries, has led to videos of their antics being shared online. Some businesses have even resorted to placing wire fences around their shops to keep the monkeys out.

While the monkeys bring in visitors, they have also caused problems for local businesses and residents. The mayor of Lopburi, Chamroen Salacheep, acknowledges the impact they have had on the town, saying it has become "almost abandoned." To address this, he is planning a big cleanup and painting of buildings after the operation is complete, in order to restore the faith of the people in the town.

But it's not all bad news for the monkeys. As part of the plan, they will be sedated and given health checks before being transferred to large holding pens outside of the town center. There, they will be sterilized and marked with tattoos for identification purposes. The hope is to find them a permanent home where they can live peacefully without causing harm to the town and its residents.

In the meantime, people can stay updated on the operation and other news through the town's WhatsApp channel, which offers a private and direct way to receive information without any pesky algorithms or invasive privacy concerns. It's just one way the town is working towards a brighter future for both its human and monkey inhabitants.

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