Teenage boy dies in e-scooter collision with BMW.

Police asking for help to find out what happened in crash near Maidstone.

July 9th 2023.

Teenage boy dies in e-scooter collision with BMW.
Last night, a tragic car crash occurred near Maidstone that has resulted in the loss of a teenage boy's life. At around 10pm, a white BMW and a black e-scooter were travelling in the same direction along Heath Road towards Coxheath when they collided. Police were called to the scene soon after and the Serious Collision Investigation Unit is now investigating.

The Kent Police spokesperson made an appeal to anyone who might have seen the collision or either vehicle beforehand, or who has dashcam footage or private CCTV taken in the area. They asked that anyone with pertinent information contact the SCIU appeal line at 01622 798 538 or email them at [email protected], quoting HW/HM/070/23.

The loss of life in this crash is a tragedy and our thoughts are with the family and friends of the victim. The police are asking for the public's assistance to help them with their investigation. If you have any information that could help, please do not hesitate to contact the SCIU appeal line.

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