Teacher robs men using gay dating app

A 33-year-old is accused of multiple offenses against men during June and July 2023.

April 1st 2024.

Teacher robs men using gay dating app
A man who used to be a teacher at a Christian-based learning center has been taken into custody for supposedly kidnapping and robbing men he met on Grindr, a dating app for single gay men. Antonie Perteet, aged 33, was apprehended by the Vehicular Hijacking Task Force in Chicago on March 26th. He is facing charges for a series of alleged crimes committed against male victims between June and July 2023. The Chicago police have stated that Perteet is being charged with several felonies, including armed robbery and aggravated vehicular hijacking.

According to reports, Perteet targeted and victimized three men over the course of three weeks. The victims were all men aged between 30 and 50 years old. Perteet would allegedly locate his victims through Grindr, using the information he obtained to target them later. Prosecutors have claimed that Perteet had an accomplice who helped carry out the crimes, as they would hold the men captive and coerce them into giving up their banking information.

Their spree of robberies continued into the fall. On October 8th, they came across a man walking his dog, whom Perteet had met on the dating app. They allegedly forced him back into his home at gunpoint and proceeded to rob him, according to reports from CWB Chicago. Prosecutors also allege that Perteet stepped on the man's face and threatened him not to look up. On the day of the home invasion, Perteet had restrained the victim with belts, painter's tape, and a towel to cover his mouth.

Perteet is a married father of four and used to work as a gym teacher at the learning center, as reported by WBBM News Radio. It is believed that his actions may be connected to a separate string of Grindr-related robberies involving at least 15 men, according to authorities. It is not yet clear if Perteet is the main suspect in those crimes.

In other news, a New Jersey judge has recently sentenced a killer to 160 years in prison for luring women on dating apps. The man had targeted and murdered several women he met through these apps. It serves as a reminder of the potential dangers of online dating and the need to be cautious when connecting with strangers on these platforms. The victims and their families deserve justice, and it is our duty to ensure that they are protected from such heinous crimes in the future. Let us all practice safety and awareness when using dating apps and other online platforms.

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