T.O. accuses Brady of preventing his return to the NFL this year.

T.O. credits Tom Brady for preventing his NFL comeback.

July 20th 2024.

T.O. accuses Brady of preventing his return to the NFL this year.
In a recent revelation, former NFL player Terrell Owens shared that he had attempted to make a comeback to football a few years ago, after officially retiring from the sport. However, his efforts were met with silence from one of the most illustrious quarterbacks in the history of the game.

Sources confirm that Owens made this revelation on the popular Bubba Dub Show, where he disclosed that he had expressed his willingness to return to the field in 2021. This was right after the conclusion of the regular season in week 17, during a game between the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and the New York Jets. It was also the last game that wide receiver Antonio Brown played for the Buccaneers. Interestingly, it was also quarterback Tom Brady's team at the time.

As fate would have it, during the game, Brown made headlines by dramatically removing his jersey and shoulder pads, and dashing off the field before the game had ended. This caught the attention of Owens, who saw an opportunity to reach out to Brady and offer his services as a potential replacement for Brown, considering the team was headed to the playoffs. However, Owens had been out of the league since 2012 and was 48 years old at the time. He shared that he had contacted Brady through mutual friends, but never received a response from the future Hall of Famer.

Owens couldn't help but express his disappointment, stating that Brady had completely ignored him. He believed that with Brown's departure, the team needed someone to step in and fill the void, particularly in crucial situations like third downs and red zones. However, Brady chose to ignore Owens, which only highlighted the lack of respect he had for him. Owens went on to say that this behavior was a common occurrence among players, who would act respectful in front of others but disregard it when it came to actual actions.

It's unclear why Owens had assumed that Brady or the Buccaneers would simply welcome him onto the team, especially considering he hadn't played in nearly a decade and the season was already over. Nevertheless, Owens couldn't help but blame Brady for shutting down his hopes of a comeback. In another unfortunate incident, Owens was recently hit by a car during a heated argument at a pickup basketball game, which only added to his string of misfortunes.

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