Susanna Reid overcame obstacles and thinks she's finally secured a mammogram appointment.

June 27th 2023.

Susanna Reid overcame obstacles and thinks she's finally secured a mammogram appointment.
Susanna Reid has revealed that she has finally booked her mammogram appointment, after being inspired by Sarah Ferguson's recent diagnosis. On Monday's episode of Good Morning Britain, Susanna admitted that she had been sent an invitation for a mammogram, but hadn't yet booked an appointment.

"Yesterday, I admitted that because I'd received an invitation to a mammogram, rather than a mammogram appointment I had done what unfortunately 12,000 other women in London had done and not gone ahead and booked an appointment," she said.

The presenter then detailed the 'hurdles' she encountered when trying to book an appointment. She first called the wrong number, then found out that her nearest centre was outside her NHS area. After a third phone call, she was eventually told she wouldn't be able to book an appointment over the phone but would instead receive a letter with an appointment in two weeks' time, and an appointment within six weeks.

Despite the obstacles, Susanna reassured viewers that she had persevered and had finally managed to book an appointment. "All I'm saying is, it is was straightforward enough, just a couple of hurdles in the way," she said.

Susanna's journey has inspired MP Dawn Butler to launch a campaign with The Agency, encouraging a million women to book their mammogram appointments. If you've been inspired to do so after hearing Susanna's story, please let Dawn know by visiting her website, emailing The Agency, or using #FindTheMillion on social media.

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