Sunak and Starmer need to speak up and use three crucial words.

Brexit, climate change, and investment are three major issues currently facing the world.

June 20th 2024.

Sunak and Starmer need to speak up and use three crucial words.
Caroline says that both the Conservatives and Labour are avoiding talking about three major issues that are affecting the UK. With the General Election approaching, she has been spending time in Brighton with Green candidate Sian Berry, engaging with people and discussing their concerns for the upcoming election.

Despite what Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer may want people to believe, the real issues that matter to voters are not about stopping boats, GDP growth, or cutting taxes and public spending. The country is facing both an inequality crisis and an environmental catastrophe. It is evident that after 14 years of harsh Tory austerity, the state of the country is not in a good place.

People are struggling to make ends meet with rising bills and expensive rent. The National Health Service is struggling to keep up with the growing demand, resulting in patients being treated in corridors and long waiting lists. The air is polluted, water is contaminated, and the country is experiencing frequent floods due to record-breaking rainfall.

Voters are looking for honesty and bold plans from politicians to tackle these pressing challenges. The 2024 General Election is shaping up to be a wild ride, and if you're feeling overwhelmed, we've got you covered.

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However, despite the significant challenges facing the country, the main parties seem to be avoiding discussing the major factors that are causing these issues. Caroline points out three big elephants in the room that neither the Conservatives nor Labour want to talk about during their campaign.

The first elephant is Brexit. It has been eight years since the referendum, and the promised "Brexit Dividend" has not materialized. Instead, the country has lost its rights to live and work in Europe and hindered its ability to trade with the Single Market. The estimated cost to the economy has been £140 billion and has resulted in the loss of two million jobs, leaving the average Brit £2,000 worse off. If nothing is done, the damage is expected to increase by £300 billion by 2035. Caroline believes that we need to rebuild our relationship with Europe and look into rejoining when the time is right.

The second elephant is the climate and nature emergency. Scientists warn that this decade is crucial in averting catastrophic global temperature rises, and the next Parliament's actions will be pivotal in meeting the 2030 targets. However, the Tories are playing down the urgency of this issue and are even threatening to backtrack on their commitment to net-zero emissions. Labour, on the other hand, has removed their pledge to invest £28 billion annually in the green transition, which experts say is the minimum required to address the crisis.

Lastly, neither party seems to acknowledge the chronic underinvestment in the country for the past few decades. A recent report shows that the UK has the lowest business investment among the G7 countries and the lowest public investment for 24 out of the last 30 years. This adds up to a staggering £1.9 trillion deficit compared to other advanced nations. Caroline believes that continuing with the failed economic strategy of austerity will only cause more harm and suffering.

She concludes by saying that this election will be remembered for what was left unsaid. At such a critical time, it is the responsibility of the next government to face reality, address the challenges, and make necessary changes. Caroline urges voters to elect Green MPs who will demand accountability and strive for a better future for the country. Do you have a story to share? Get in touch with us, and don't forget to share your views in the comments below.

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