Summer break is a great time to develop new skills and continue learning even when classes are not in session.

Guidance for college students to advance in their career.

May 21st 2024.

Summer break is a great time to develop new skills and continue learning even when classes are not in session.
It's that time of year again - graduation season! As students all around the country toss their caps in the air and celebrate their academic achievements, many are also trying to figure out their next steps while enjoying a well-deserved summer break. For some, this means quality time with family, hanging out with best friends, and attending social events. And while taking a break from the rigors of school is important for recharging, it's also crucial for college students to use this time to get ahead in their careers.

However, there seems to be a disconnect between what employers expect from recent graduates and what college students are actually prepared for. According to employers, there is a lack of skills in areas such as communication, critical thinking, and creativity among new professionals. To bridge this gap and ensure that students are meeting the expectations of hiring managers, I have some valuable career-building tips for young professionals to put into practice this summer.

Firstly, attending a professional development conference can be extremely beneficial. Many organizations hold annual conventions that bring together industry professionals from all over the country. This is a great opportunity for college students to network with potential mentors, colleagues, and HR professionals who can help them secure internships or their first job. Plus, some organizations offer student discounts for conference registration, making it even more accessible.

Another commonly given tip is to intern during the summer. And while this may seem like a no-brainer, the value of an internship experience cannot be emphasized enough. Not only does it give students a foot in the door of their desired industry, but it also provides an inside look at what it takes to succeed in that field and helps build a network of industry contacts.

For those who are unable to secure a paid or low-paying internship, my next tip is to shadow an industry professional for a day. This can be a great way to gain insight into the daily tasks and requirements of a career and show your eagerness to learn and get your foot in the door. Reach out to someone with years of experience in your desired field and ask if they would be open to being shadowed for a day. It never hurts to ask, and the worst they can say is no.

Lastly, do your homework on the leaders in your industry. Take a few days this summer to research the top power players in your career field and see what steps they took to achieve their success. While everyone's journey will be different, reading about others' career stories can provide valuable insight and guidance. And if you happen to come across their contact information, don't be afraid to reach out for some quick career advice. If they are in your local area, see if they would be willing to meet for coffee. Just remember to follow up with a thank you note or email after any in-person interactions.

As we celebrate the accomplishments of graduates, let's also encourage and equip them to take the next steps in their careers. By following these tips, college students can set themselves up for success and make the most of their summer break. After all, as the saying goes, "the future belongs to those who prepare for it today." Congratulations to all the graduates out there, and may your future be bright and full of opportunities.

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