Subtly drop hints to your bae about what you want for the holidays!

Rather than lecturing, try engaging with them in a fun way.

October 27th 2023.

Subtly drop hints to your bae about what you want for the holidays!
It's the holiday season and any grown-ups out there know that it's time to move on from wish lists and letters to Santa. Instead of asking directly, why not look for more creative ways to hint at what you'd like?

Relationship expert Hayley Quinn has some useful advice on how to let your partner know what you'd like for Christmas. Firstly, if you have something that needs replacing, don't be afraid to bring it up. Even if your partner decides to fix it for you, it will be seen as a sweet act of service.

Another tip is to send a calendar reminder with some clues as to what you'd like. This is a great way to make it a bit of a riddle and still involve them in the process. Just make sure you don't over-manage them too much or they might get used to you taking the lead.

Finally, rather than just sending them a link, why not leave it open on their computer? As Hayley suggests, make sure it's done in a playful way, rather than being overly controlling.

So this holiday season, take Hayley's advice and use the hints to get what you really want. Who knows, maybe your partner will surprise you!

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