Students in the RD program are protesting against having to take exams for their 4th semester.

Students at Rama Devi Women's University in Bhubaneswar protest for the postponement of exams due to extreme heatwave conditions, following the state government's decision to declare an early summer vacation for schools.

April 27th 2024.

Students in the RD program are protesting against having to take exams for their 4th semester.
In the bustling city of Bhubaneswar, a group of undergraduate students from Rama Devi Women's University gathered in front of the university gate to express their worries about the intense heatwave that has taken over the area. They were demanding for the postponement of their fourth-semester exams, which were scheduled for Friday.

One of the students spoke up, highlighting the fact that the state government had already announced an early summer vacation for schools due to the extreme weather conditions. In light of this, they questioned how it was fair for them to appear for their exams. They also pointed out that other universities, such as Utkal University and Sambalpur University, had already rescheduled their exams.

Arpita Rani Meher, another student who was part of the protest, shared that they were not mentally prepared to take on the exams in such a difficult situation. Their concerns were not being addressed, despite meeting with university officials on April 25 to discuss the matter. This led them to take the step of going on strike, as it was their last hope to be heard. They mentioned that other universities, like Shailabala and Ravenshaw University, had already postponed their exams.

After hours of protest and voicing their concerns, the university officials finally agreed to postpone the exams. The original dates of April 30 to May 18 were no longer set in stone. This was a huge relief for the students, who could now focus on preparing for their exams in a more suitable environment. It was a small victory for the determined group of students who stood up for their rights.

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