Student suicides- What are the deep rooted problem?

There are many factors that lead to student suicides. The most prominent ones are mental health, academic pressure, and socio-economic status.

The root cause of the problem is the lack of mental health awareness among students and their parents. Students feel like they can't turn to their parents for help because they don't want to be a burden or they don't want their parents to worry about them. So instead, they internalize their feelings which makes them worse and lead to suicidal thoughts.

The suicide rates are shockingly high in the United States. Mental illness is a prominent cause of suicide. The most common mental illnesses that lead to suicide are depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia.

But these mental illnesses do not just lead to suicide; they also have a deep impact on the family members and friends of the suicidal person. These people can be left with feelings of guilt, anger, despair, and depression after witnessing their loved one’s death due to a mental illness. Suicide is a problem that has been around for centuries but society still does not know how to solve it.

