Strong winds will make London weather even more unpleasant due to a powerful jet stream.

The Met Office predicts that the jet stream will become stronger.

August 7th 2024.

Strong winds will make London weather even more unpleasant due to a powerful jet stream.
On a sunny day in Hampshire, people could be seen strolling along Southsea Beach, some holding onto their umbrellas as a precaution. The weather forecast was calling for stronger winds in the coming days, which could be troublesome for those operating ice cream vans.

According to the Met Office, the jet stream above us was expected to intensify, bringing low pressure and stronger winds to the UK. Maps of the week ahead showed powerful winds battering the coast of Ireland and sweeping towards Cornwall by Tuesday. Friday was predicted to have gusts of up to 40mph in Scotland and Northern Ireland, with around 30mph in central England and the South, and 28mph in London.

The jet stream, a band of strong westerly winds circling above the Earth's surface, was responsible for the UK's generally temperate climate. The polar jet stream, in particular, helped keep the cold air above the Arctic and maintain a more moderate climate in the UK. As it strengthened across the UK this week, it was expected to bring stronger winds.

The forecast for Tuesday was especially concerning, with particularly strong winds predicted. The strength of the jet stream was determined by the temperature differences between the north and south. In winter, the jet stream was typically stronger due to the colder temperatures in the Pole compared to the Equator.

Forecaster Alex Burkill noted that there had been intense, thundery rain in some areas the previous day. He also mentioned that there would be more showers and fresher air today, making it more comfortable to sleep than the warm and muggy nights that many had experienced. Scotland and Northern Ireland were expected to see plenty of showers and blustery winds.

In London, the latest news included far-right thugs looting booze from Sainsbury's and a map showing where riots had broken out across the UK. There was also a manhunt for a suspect after the murder of a London bus driver. The Agency's London news hub was the place to go for the latest updates from the capital.

Meanwhile, London had a lovely summer's day yesterday, with some areas experiencing brisk winds. The forecast for Thursday and Friday was more rain sweeping in from the west, so any hopes of a renewed heatwave were dashed. The forecaster noted that it would feel a little cooler than usual for early August. In fact, July had already been cooler than average when looking at temperatures in the UK since 1991.

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