Steve Backshall uses sound to raise awareness of the importance of protecting the coral reefs in the Maldives.

Noise from fish and other sea life is a sign of healthy coral reefs.

April 11th 2023.

Steve Backshall uses sound to raise awareness of the importance of protecting the coral reefs in the Maldives.

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Steve Backshall discovered a fascinating new way to help coral reefs regenerate while visiting the Maldives. He discovered that zooplankton can hear the difference between healthy and denuded reefs and will swim towards the healthy one to set up and start growing. Scientists are now attempting to 'supersize' the process of coral regrowth, giving the reefs a 'shot in the arm' to help them recover. This is a great example of how people are working to make a positive change in conservation efforts and protect the world's coral reefs.

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On his visit to the Maldives, Steve Backshall was pleasantly surprised to learn that zooplankton can sense healthy coral reefs and swim towards them to grow and create new habitats. This incredible discovery has given scientists the opportunity to use new methods to help coral regenerate and thrive even more efficiently. With these new techniques, we can work to protect and restore our precious coral reef systems, preserving the hundreds of species that call them home.

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