Stay vigilant when it comes to their online activities and set clear rules and boundaries to help protect them from potential dangers.

Cracking down on social media is only part of the solution to protect our children, but implementing laws will take time.

December 1st 2024.

Stay vigilant when it comes to their online activities and set clear rules and boundaries to help protect them from potential dangers.
The issue of social media's impact on children has been a hot topic recently, with a nationwide crackdown being just one step in solving the hold it has on our kids. However, enforceable laws are still a while away, leaving many parents wondering what they can do in the meantime to ensure their children have a positive and safe online experience.

Melissa Stradiotto, a mother herself, understands the struggle of letting go of social media and putting our phones down. "Even us as adults have a hard time with it," she said. "So how can we expect our children to have that same mental capacity?" She added, "I wish we could go back to a time without social media, to be honest with you."

Another Adelaide mother shared her heartbreaking story of her 10-year-old daughter falling victim to online grooming and bullying. This led to a loss of self-worth and she admitted to not knowing how to deal with social media. "It's terrifying," she said. "She doesn't see the reflection of life in the mirror because of the negative impact of social media."

Sadly, this mother is not alone in her struggles to navigate the dangers of social media. Parent Brett Coshell shared his concerns, saying, "You don't want to disconnect them from their friends and social groups, but you do worry about what they may be exposed to."

With any law changes to restrict under-16s from using social media still over a year away, experts have offered advice for parents to regain control. Acclaimed author Johann Hari suggests locking phones away in a safe for part of the day. "Start by having 15 minutes a day where you all put your phone in the phone jail, and you have to look into each other's eyes like people did in the 19th century," he recommended.

Clinical psychologist Danielle Einstein also suggests practicing "device discipline" by limiting social media use to one hour a day. "When people between the ages of 17-25 reduced their social media use, they had reductions in anxiety, depression, fear of missing out, and improved sleep," she said. "We can do this."

In addition to these strategies, parents can also utilize the tools provided by social media platforms. For example, TikTok's Family Pairing allows parents to set screen time limits and pause notifications, while Snapchat enables parents to monitor their children's chats. Meta's Family Centre also offers additional safety information.

Engaging with children and understanding their online world is also crucial. "Participate, don't just police," advised Dolly's Dream CEO Sarah Davies. "Actually talk to your child, play with them, get online with them, partner with them and walk alongside them in their digital worlds so that we get to understand, we learn the language, we can see what they are doing. Build trust and then have open conversations with your children."

For additional guidance, parents can seek resources from organizations such as the eSafety Commissioner's website and the Carly Ryan Foundation. Despite the challenges, experts remain optimistic that online dangers can be managed. "The entire internet has existed for less than 10,000 years," Hari said. "We can fix this stuff if we want to, we can put it right."

Remember, support is always available from organizations like the Kids Helpline at 1800 55 1800. This article was produced with the assistance of 9ExPress.

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