Starmer's goal is to increase your wealth with his strategy.

The Tories are burdening working people with excessive taxes.

June 19th 2024.

Starmer's goal is to increase your wealth with his strategy.
Last week, I unveiled the Labour manifesto, which addresses a pressing issue that strikes at the very core of our nation's identity: the erosion of family life. As I've traveled the campaign trail, I've met with families who are particularly concerned about the rising cost of living. Just the other day at the Port of Southampton, I spoke with a woman who shared her worries about the biting cost of living crisis that is impacting her family. After years of economic decline and stagnant growth, she is struggling to make ends meet and doubts whether any political party can provide real solutions.

But I want to be honest with you. The damage caused by 14 years of Conservative government cannot be undone overnight, and more harm will inevitably follow. The prices of basic necessities like baby formula and produce are still unreasonably high, and working people are feeling the pinch. As Labour's analysis has revealed, the average supermarket trip now costs nearly £1,000 more per year compared to the last general election. This is something that Metro readers don't need me to tell them, as they experience it week after week. And as if that wasn't enough, our research has also uncovered that the Tories' unfunded commitments will add an additional £4,800 to people's mortgage payments over the next five years.

This must stop. That's why Labour's top priority is restoring economic stability and putting an end to the chaos. Through our strict fiscal rules and sound public finances, we will work towards keeping inflation and mortgage rates as low as possible, while also ensuring that living standards begin to rise once again. We are well aware of the struggles that people have faced in recent years, which is why our plan for change includes making tough decisions that will ultimately put more money back into the pockets of hardworking families.

One of our main goals is to make work pay, and we will do so by implementing a genuine living wage, banning exploitative zero-hours contracts, and extending sick pay. We will also continue to fight against the Tories, just as we did when we introduced the minimum wage in 1999, despite their opposition every step of the way. Additionally, we are committed to reforming planning laws in order to build 1.5 million new homes, making housing more affordable and giving more people the opportunity to own their own property.

We will also put an end to tax breaks for wealthy non-domiciled individuals, using the funds to provide free breakfast clubs in primary schools. This will save parents up to £400 per year in expenses for paid-for breakfast clubs or alternative childcare arrangements. Furthermore, we will utilize the excess profits of oil and gas companies to establish a publicly-owned clean energy company, called Great British Energy, which will not only reduce bills but also improve energy security.

In addition to tackling the cost of living crisis, we are also determined to address the issues plaguing the NHS. With over 6 million people currently on the waiting list for medical appointments, we will take immediate action by adding 40,000 appointments per week, including evenings and weekends. Furthermore, we will provide 700,000 emergency dentist appointments, as it is shocking that tooth decay is the leading cause of hospitalization for children aged six to 10.

Altogether, these measures will target the root of the cost of living crisis and make a real difference in the lives of hardworking families. Our plan offers both stability and change that is affordable for our country. We have carefully outlined the funding for each and every one of our proposals in our fully-costed manifesto. And we have been completely transparent with the public, promising not to raise income tax, national insurance, or VAT, as we believe that working people are already paying too much under the Tories.

I understand that there is no magic solution that will fix everything overnight. But step by step, we must work towards lifting the cloud of anxiety that looms over hardworking families. They deserve to feel hopeful about the future, not filled with dread. Labour's manifesto will give them the chance to reclaim their future. It is a plan for change, and a plan for the future of Britain. And I truly believe that it is a change worth voting for. Do you have a story to share? I'd love to hear from you - please email me at Let's also continue the conversation in the comments below.

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