Star of James Bond franchise injured during difficult 007 stunt.

Someone is in pain.

February 13th 2025.

Star of James Bond franchise injured during difficult 007 stunt.
In a recent interview with Vanity Fair, actor Alan Cumming delved into his experience playing a villain in the iconic James Bond franchise. Cumming, who starred as Boris Grishenko in the 1995 film GoldenEye, shared a behind-the-scenes moment that didn't quite go as planned.

Looking back on the scene where his character met his demise in a blast caused by liquid nitrogen, Cumming revealed that it was even more painful than it appeared on screen. "These big gallons of computer coolant, they exploded and came down on top of me, freezing me to death. Just another day at the office," he joked.

But in reality, it was far from a laughing matter. "They had a rubber band around my waist to keep me in place, but when the force of the explosion hit, I couldn't move. Lumps of dry ice stuck to my head and burned my scalp," Cumming shared. "I was in agony, but I couldn't do anything about it because of the rubber band."

Despite the rough start, GoldenEye went on to be a huge success, grossing over $356 million at the box office. It also marked the debut of Pierce Brosnan as the suave spy, with Dame Judi Dench making her first appearance as M.

Speaking of her first impressions of Brosnan on set, Dench gushed, "Be still, beating heart. He was just an adorable man. He was absolutely glorious to work with, and as a person."

The two stars shared a memorable first day on set together, with Dench admitting they were both quite nervous. "His first day on Bond was my first day as well. But he was Bond! The both of us, I think, were pretty jumpy," she said.

Brosnan went on to star in three more Bond films before handing over the reins to Daniel Craig in 2005. And as fans eagerly await the next actor to don the iconic tuxedo, Cumming has some advice for them: "Just be careful with those exploding props!"

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