Star from Love Is Blind opens up about reaching a breaking point and splitting from fan-favorite couple after their wedding.

The separation surprised fans.

August 26th 2024.

Star from Love Is Blind opens up about reaching a breaking point and splitting from fan-favorite couple after their wedding.
Steven and Sabrina's love story on the hit Netflix show Love Is Blind UK seemed to unfold without any obstacles. It was a whirlwind romance that led them to say "I do" on their wedding day. However, their seemingly perfect love story took an unexpected turn just 86 days later when they announced their decision to split.

Now, a year after their wedding, Sabrina is still emotional when reflecting on what happened. In a recent interview, the 35-year-old took a moment to gather her thoughts before opening up about her experience. She shared, "Watching our wedding back was very difficult for me because, for me, it was real. I truly believed that I was entering into a partnership with my soulmate." Sadly, things did not turn out as she had hoped.

Sabrina explained that soon after their wedding, she started to see a different side of Steven. She felt that the person he had presented on camera was not who he truly was. She revealed, "I was in a situation where I was married to someone who had deceived me and led me down the aisle based on false pretenses. But I was still willing to make it work because marriage is something I value deeply."

The couple had agreed to split their time between their homes in Belfast and London, but Sabrina claims that three days into their marriage, Steven suddenly said that work and finances would not allow them to do so. She also alleged that she was the only one making an effort to resolve their issues by constantly traveling to spend time together. But eventually, she reached her breaking point and decided to end their marriage after just 86 days.

When asked about his side of the story, Steven sees things a little differently. He described their wedding as the best day of his life, but admitted that things quickly went downhill as they entered the real world. He said, "We didn't really face any challenges until we were out of the bubble of the show. That's when we started noticing our differences and our relationship began to lose its sparkle." He added that they had different expectations and dealt with things in different ways, ultimately leading to their unhappiness and the end of their marriage.

Despite their differences, both Sabrina and Steven agree that it has been difficult to watch themselves fall in love on the show. Steven shared, "It's been emotional to relive those moments on the show, especially because we haven't had to face those feelings since there's an ocean between us." Sabrina also found it challenging to watch their love story unfold on screen, saying, "It's raised a lot of questions for me, like if those feelings are still there. It's been tough, but it's understandable because we have very different ways of dealing with things."

While Sabrina and Steven's love story did not have a happy ending, Love Is Blind UK did prove that finding love on a dating show is not impossible. Two other couples from the show, Jasmine and Bobby, and Marisa and Bobby, are still happily married after one year. Jasmine and Bobby even shared that their marriage has exceeded their expectations.

However, it wasn't always smooth sailing for the couple, especially after they left the show's bubble and had to adjust to real life. Jasmine, a mental health nurse, felt a lot of pressure to make the transition perfect for Bobby, who had to leave his family and friends behind in Staffordshire to move to London. But Bobby reassured her that everything was fine and she didn't have to try so hard to be the perfect wife.

In a more organic setting, Bobby was also able to make progress with Jasmine's mom, Marisa, who had initially grilled him during an intense dinner. Marisa, who is very protective of her daughter, had called Bobby "uneducated" for not having a degree. But now, she has accepted him into their family and even apologized for her behavior on the show. Bobby and Jasmine are now celebrating one year of marriage and are looking forward to many more years together.
Next up on Love Is Blind UK, we were introduced to the lovely couple, Steven and Sabrina. From the start, it was clear that they had an instant connection and were quickly falling for each other. So it was no surprise when they said their "I do's" on their wedding day, completely smitten with each other.

However, things took a turn when just 86 days after their wedding, the couple announced that they were splitting up. Now, a year later, Sabrina is still feeling the emotional aftermath of what happened. When asked to reflect on their relationship, the 35-year-old took a moment to gather her thoughts and shared, "Watching the wedding back was really difficult for me because for me, it was real. I truly believed that I was entering into a partnership with my person. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case and shortly after we got married, the truth started to unravel."

Sabrina felt like the person that Steven presented himself to be on camera was not who he truly was. "I found myself in a situation where I was married to someone who had deceived me, but I was still trying to make it work because marriage is so important to me," she explained.

According to Sabrina, the couple had agreed to split their time between Belfast and London, but just three days into their marriage, Steven claimed that work and finances wouldn't allow it. She also alleged that she was the only one making an effort to work through their issues, always being the one to travel and spend time together. But eventually, she reached a breaking point and decided that their marriage was over.

Steven, on the other hand, had a different perspective on their relationship. He described their wedding as "the best day of his life," but admitted that things quickly went downhill once they entered the real world. "We didn't really face any challenges in the pods, but once we were out in the real world, our differences became more apparent," he shared. "We had different expectations and ways of dealing with things, and we just lost the spark that we had in the pods. We were both unhappy, and logistically, it was very difficult as well. Sadly, it just came to an end."

Steven also added that he distanced himself from the public eye after their split because he wanted to keep things private and didn't know what would happen next. Both Steven and Sabrina agreed that it was difficult to relive their relationship while watching the show, especially with the added pressure of being in the public eye.

But while Steven and Sabrina's love story may have come to an end, there is still hope for lasting connections on Love Is Blind UK. Two couples, Jasmine and Bobby, and Marisa and Bobby, are still happily married one year later. Jasmine and Bobby shared that their marriage has been better than they expected, but it wasn't without its challenges.

Bobby, who had to leave his life in Staffordshire to move to London with Jasmine, opened up about the adjustments they had to make. "It was a big change for both of us. Jasmine was trying to make everything perfect and be the perfect wife, but I had to remind her that everything was fine and she could relax," he said.

And while the transition may have been a bit stressful, Jasmine's mother Marisa also had her concerns. During an intense dinner, she even called Bobby "uneducated" and expressed her protectiveness over Jasmine. But now, in a more organic environment, Bobby and Marisa have made progress in their relationship, and Bobby shared that they have been able to have more open and honest conversations. Despite the initial challenges, Jasmine and Bobby are celebrating their one-year anniversary and are still going strong.

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