Stan Moody, a highly-rated prospect, discussed his tour plans, ambitions, and how he has helped Shaun Murphy's success.

I aspire to be the best in the world, achieve a championship title, and succeed in many competitions.

March 2nd 2023.

Stan Moody, a highly-rated prospect, discussed his tour plans, ambitions, and how he has helped Shaun Murphy's success.
Stan Moody is ready to take on the world, having recently earned a two-year tour card for the professional circuit after winning the WSF Junior Championship in Sydney, Australia. He also made it to the final of the WSF Championship, demonstrating the talent he has and the hard work he has put in. Moody admitted that when it came to the final, he didn't quite have the same motivation as he had for the earlier matches due to his tour card already being secured. Prior to his success in Sydney, he had won English titles at Under-14, 16 and 18 level, and won a match at the 2022 Shoot Out. After his performances, he received an influx of messages from fellow professionals, including Shaun Murphy and Jordan Brown.

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Next season, Moody and Ma Hai Long, the Chinese 19-year-old who beat him in the final of the WSF Championship and also booked himself a spot on the pro tour, will both be on the professional tour.

Stan Moody is ready to face the challenge of the World Snooker Tour at the tender age of 16, but he is in no hurry to get there right away. Recently, he won the WSF Junior Championship in Sydney, Australia and earned a two-year tour card for the professional circuit. On top of that, he made it to the final of the WSF Championship, open to amateurs of all ages, proving his immense talent and dedication. He stated that he tried to see his trip to Sydney as a holiday and put no pressure on himself. Although he was defeated by the Chinese 19-year-old Ma Hai Long in the final, he is content with the result as he had already secured his tour card. Moody has a lot of experience under his belt, having won English titles at Under-14, 16 and 18 level and famously winning a match at the 2022 Shoot Out. After his excellent performances in Sydney, he was inundated with messages of support and encouragement.

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Moody and Ma will both be competing on the professional tour next season.

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