St. John's runner RJ Luis recovering from shin splint surgery and feeling like he has new legs.

RJ Luis had surgery on his shins to prevent future problems and is recovering well, expected to be fully back in September.

July 18th 2024.

St. John's runner RJ Luis recovering from shin splint surgery and feeling like he has new legs.
RJ Luis, a dedicated athlete, was determined not to let his nagging shin issues affect another season of his beloved sport. He made the brave decision to undergo surgery on both shins. As the leading scorer for St. John's team, he knew he had to take care of his body in order to continue performing at his best.

Thankfully, the procedures were successful and Luis is making steady progress in his recovery. He has started with individual workouts and has been advised by his doctors to avoid any contact activities for the time being. However, the good news is that he has been given the green light to fully participate in practices starting in September.

Despite the challenges, Luis remains optimistic and determined. He tried his best to push through the pain and discomfort before, but ultimately realized that surgery was necessary in order to fully heal and prevent any further damage. Now, with the support of his medical team, he is on track to make a full comeback and continue to be a valuable asset to his team.

As he continues on his road to recovery, Luis is grateful for the support and encouragement from his teammates, coaches, and fans. He knows that it will still take time and effort to get back to his peak performance, but he is ready to put in the work and come back stronger than ever. With his determination and positive mindset, there's no doubt that he will make a successful return to the court.

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