Spoiler's killer is revealed in Top Boy's alternative ending, with fans spotting clues.

We almost had a solution!

September 26th 2023.

Spoiler's killer is revealed in Top Boy's alternative ending, with fans spotting clues.
At the end of the explosive Top Boy finale, one burning question remained unanswered: who killed Sully? The few seconds before the credits rolled left viewers reeling, as Sully was shot in broad daylight. Although fans had theories, the killer was never revealed. Now, director William Stefan Smith has revealed that an alternative ending was filmed, one that would have confirmed the identity of the murderer.

In the original version of the finale, Stefan was shown pointing a gun at Sully, tempted to exact revenge for the murder of his brother Jamie. After a moment of contemplation, Stefan chose not to act, retreating from the scene. Sully breathed a sigh of relief, only for someone else to walk past and take the shot.

Speaking to Still Watching Netflix, Smith said that the idea of not showing the killer was that it could be anyone. After all, as Smith noted, Sully had many enemies. The director went on to explain that the idea of one of Sully's enemies coming to take him out demonstrates what life can be like on the roads.

Despite the alternate ending, Smith is adamant that the killer won't be revealed, saying that he won't be the one to tell us. Top Boy is available to stream on Netflix now, so if you haven't already seen it, there's still time to catch up.

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