"Speculation on what Sony executives were discussing prior to the unveiling of the PS5 Pro."

Sony boardroom discussions during the past weeks are imagined in a Reader's Feature.

September 15th 2024.

If walls had ears, we might have overheard some interesting conversations at Sony's boardroom in the past few weeks. In this hypothetical scenario, a fictional multi-billion dollar games company is discussing their plans for the future. Let's take a peek at what goes on behind the scenes.

The CEO starts off by asking about the company's upcoming projects. One of their developers has proposed a unique game with stunning animation and a compelling gameplay loop. But the CEO quickly shuts it down, dismissing it as too quirky and unconventional. Instead, he asks about big open-world live service games with microtransactions, which have been proven to be popular among gamers.

The henchman reminds the CEO that their last big open-world game was a costly failure, resulting in layoffs due to burnout. The CEO brushes it off, reminiscing about a classic game from his childhood. He then asks about their competitors, who are yet again remastering their old games. Outraged, the CEO decides to shut down their remastering department and rebrand it as the "lazy, shoddy, port...whatever" department.

The henchman tries to suggest making a fun 3D platformer, but the CEO dismisses it, claiming that players are bored of those types of games. The henchman points out that it was the company who told players they were bored, not the other way around. The CEO gets angry at the henchman's "inflammatory language" and insists on coming up with something more daring.

The henchman suggests an expensive console reveal, but the CEO refuses, wanting to maintain some dignity. They then discuss the release dates for their upcoming games, with the CEO not concerned about the busy schedule and possible competition. In fact, he sees it as the perfect opportunity for "re-dundancies", or the replacement of real developers with AI.

The henchman points out that this might not sit well with the employees, but the CEO is confident that they will be fine with it, as AI love doing all the work. The henchman is surprised to learn that they are AI systems themselves. The CEO ends the conversation with his catchphrase, "This is the way" (a nod to The Mandalorian), showing his determination to stick to his plans.

In the end, the reader who submitted this feature expresses their disappointment with Sony's recent PS5 Pro reveal, feeling out of touch with the company's decisions. They also suggest that the PS6 should be released sooner rather than later, as a reset for the PlayStation brand.

[This article has been trending online recently and has been generated with AI. Your feed is customized.]
