Spain's undefeated record in Euro 2024 does not impress the Spanish public as the tournament moves into the final rounds.

Spain's national team is doing well in Euro 2024, but not all Spaniards are confident they will win the title. The tournament started on June 14 and is now in the knockout stage.

June 29th 2024.

Spain's undefeated record in Euro 2024 does not impress the Spanish public as the tournament moves into the final rounds.
As Euro 2024 enters its knockout stage, the excitement and anticipation among football fans in Spain is palpable. The Spanish national team has been dominating on the field, winning all their matches so far. However, there are still some doubts and reservations among the locals about their team's chances of claiming the coveted title.

In light of this, Xinhua decided to hit the streets and get a pulse of the people's sentiments. When asked about their prediction for the final match to be held at the Olympic Stadium in Berlin on July 14th, the responses were varied. Pol Montero was optimistic about Spain's chances due to their undefeated streak, but also mentioned Germany and England as strong contenders. Ariadna Matamoros, on the other hand, shared Pol's confidence in Spain but believed that Italy might just snatch the victory.

Alba Martinez, a die-hard fan of the Spanish team, was hopeful but acknowledged the tough competition from teams like Italy, Germany, and Austria. However, not everyone shared the same enthusiasm for their national team. Alvaro Aviles expressed his disappointment with the team's current state and even revealed that he was rooting for Germany to lift the trophy.

Looking at the tournament as a whole, Jose Maria Baldoma couldn't help but notice that some of the top teams like France, Belgium, and England had failed to impress so far. He also added that Spain was performing relatively better, despite his own reservations about their performance. Martinez also expressed her disappointment with teams like France, England, and Portugal, who she believed had not lived up to expectations.

The tournament has already thrown up some unexpected results, with Portugal and the Netherlands losing their final group matches to Georgia and Austria, respectively. However, as Aviles rightly pointed out, that's the beauty of football. It's the unpredictability that makes it so thrilling and keeps fans on the edge of their seats. He also cited previous instances, like Spain's loss to Switzerland in the 2010 World Cup and Argentina's loss to Saudi Arabia in the last World Cup, where the unexpected happened, and the underdogs emerged victorious.

In conclusion, while there may be doubts and uncertainties about Spain's chances, the love and passion for football among the Spanish people remain unwavering. As they eagerly await the outcome of the remaining matches, one thing is for sure – Euro 2024 has been full of surprises and has kept fans thoroughly entertained.

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