Some of the top tourist destinations in Spain, such as Ibiza and the Canary Islands, have been identified as having poor beach conditions.

Consider reconsidering your swim in the ocean.

June 17th 2024.

Some of the top tourist destinations in Spain, such as Ibiza and the Canary Islands, have been identified as having poor beach conditions.
Attention all travelers! If you had plans to visit the beautiful beaches of Spain this year, you might want to reconsider. A recent report from the Spanish campaigning network, Ecologistas en Acción, has revealed some alarming news about the state of 48 beaches in this popular summer destination. These beaches have been given a 'black flag' by environmental activists, and for good reason.

The report exposes the devastating impact that littering, chemical spills, and even human waste have had on these once pristine beaches. It's not just one or two isolated incidents either, as the list includes popular beaches such as Talamanca Beach in Ibiza, where careless boat anchoring has caused severe damage to marine life. Nearby, a desalination plant has also been dumping toxic chemicals into the ocean, further adding to the destruction.

The situation is no better on the mainland, with beaches like El Amerador Beach near Alicante suffering from pollution caused by a neglected pumping station. And it's not just human actions that are to blame, as the report also highlights incidents where human waste has ended up in the sea, leading to protests in the Costa Brava region.

The Canary Islands, a popular tourist destination, have also been hit hard by the effects of tourism. Locals are fighting back against the overwhelming amount of litter left by tourists on their beaches, with protests in Tenerife bearing the slogan 'the Canary Islands have a limit'. But it's not just the tourists' fault, as Ecologists in Action also point out that sewage companies are causing major damage to the environment.

In fact, the report states that over 90% of wastewater from urban, industrial, and agricultural centers is being released untreated into the sea in the Canary Islands. This is a major concern for the network, which is made up of over 300 local green groups. A spokesperson for Ecologists in Action warns that the increasing tourism and urbanization of the coast is a major problem, especially in the Canary Islands.

The report also reveals shocking statistics, such as the equivalent of 17 Olympic swimming pools of polluted water being discharged into the sea every day in Tenerife. It's clear that profit-making schemes are being put above the welfare of the local landscape and sea by politicians. For example, in Lanzarote, the popular tourist spot Playa Blanca was given a black flag after a pumping station malfunction caused sewage to spill into the sea, resulting in the temporary closure of the beach in May.

Beaches in Tenerife, Fuerteventura, and La Palma have also been affected by hotels failing to comply with environmental laws. However, Ecologists in Action argue that this is a common occurrence and that local pumping treatment managers are quick to blame individuals for flushing wet wipes and nappies instead of taking responsibility.

The report names the two worst beaches per province in Spain, and the list is extensive. From the beautiful beaches of Catalonia to the stunning coast of Andalucia, and even the Canary Islands, it seems that no region is unscathed by the damaging effects of pollution.

It's clear that urgent action needs to be taken to protect these precious beaches and the surrounding environment. As travelers, it's our responsibility to be mindful of our actions and to do our part in preserving the beauty of these destinations. Let's hope that this report serves as a wake-up call to all of us to be more conscious of our impact on the environment. If you have a story to share about your own experiences with pollution on beaches, we would love to hear from you. Get in touch by emailing our team at email.

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