Soldier labeled traitor after bravely sacrificing self to protect comrades from Taliban explosion.

In November, Lance Corporal Matt Croucher was imprisoned and had his passport taken away.

June 5th 2024.

Soldier labeled traitor after bravely sacrificing self to protect comrades from Taliban explosion.
It's been a tough seven months for former soldier Matthew Croucher. The Royal Marine has been stuck in Dubai since November, accused of spying while working as a security consultant in the UAE. It all happened so suddenly - his passport was taken away and he was thrown into jail without any solid evidence against him. Fortunately, he was released after four days, but his legal troubles are far from over. To make matters worse, he's been left in the dark about the whole situation and is still without his passport. Without access to his phone or internet banking, he's basically stranded in a foreign country with very little money.

If anyone deserves a break, it's Croucher. This hero ex-commando received the George Cross for his bravery in 2008 when he sacrificed himself by jumping on a Taliban grenade to save his fellow soldiers. Miraculously, his body armor managed to protect him from the explosion, and he survived the attack. After leaving the military, he started working as a security consultant in the UK, but now he's being accused of "intentionally and illegally accessing a telecommunications network" by Dubai officials, according to The Times.

Croucher's friend has shared some disturbing details about his time in prison. Apparently, the conditions were so poor that he had to sleep on the floor due to overcrowding. He was also only given chicken and rice twice a day, and the amenities were far from sanitary. After being questioned for six hours, his case has been at a standstill, and he's required to report to the police station every week. It's a frustrating situation, especially since Croucher moved to Dubai in 2014 and even worked with authorities on security matters.

His family is understandably shocked and stressed by the whole ordeal. They can't understand why it's taking so long for his case to be resolved, and they firmly believe that the accusations against him are baseless and absurd. To make matters worse, the Foreign Office has been of little help, often making things worse and falsely claiming that his case has been resolved. It's a tough situation for everyone involved, and his friend has revealed that not being able to work, access his bank account, or leave the country has had a significant financial impact on Croucher and his family.

All of this has caused immense stress for his loved ones back in the UK, who are desperately waiting for answers and support. It's even more frustrating because Croucher was only supposed to be in Dubai for a few days to catch up with friends before returning home. It's a difficult and unfair situation, and everyone is hoping for a speedy resolution to these unjust accusations.

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