Solar-powered boats will operate on Chilika Lake.

Bhubaneswar plans to introduce solar/electric boats at Chilika Lake to achieve zero emissions. E-tenders have been invited by OREDA for the manufacture and deployment of 20-seater eco-friendly boats.

July 1st 2024.

Solar-powered boats will operate on Chilika Lake.
The state government of Odisha has taken a major step towards making Chilika Lake an eco-friendly destination by introducing solar and electric-powered boats. These boats, with a seating capacity of 20 people, will have zero emissions and will be maintained for two years by the Odisha Renewable Energy Development Agency (OREDA). The government has invited e-tenders for the design, engineering, manufacturing, and deployment of these boats at various locations in Chilika.

In a letter addressed to the public, OREDA director Niharika Nayak stated, "We are inviting e-tenders from eligible bidders to convert diesel boats into solar/electric boats. This will not only promote the decarbonization of the fishing sector but also boost eco-tourism in Odisha." The last date for online tender submission is July 12, while hard copies can be submitted by July 18, according to officials. The main aim behind this pilot project is to find a sustainable and green solution for the existing diesel boats, which have been causing pollution and oil spills in the region. This has led to a decline in the number of migratory birds that visit the lake every year.

Chandrashekhar Mishra, the managing director of Crux Power Private Limited, expressed his support for this noble initiative, saying, "The introduction of solar boats in Chilika Lake is a commendable step towards promoting eco-friendly and sustainable development in the area, while reducing our dependency on fossil fuels." He also stressed the importance of having sufficient charging stations and maintenance plans in place to ensure the success of this project. Mishra suggested engaging multiple vendors with a similar track record and keeping a check on their operations, while also providing incentives to those who perform better.

Chilika Lake is not just any ordinary lake; it is the largest brackish water lake on the east coast of India and one of the largest in the world. It is also a significant wintering ground for migratory waterfowl, making it a crucial ecosystem for fishery resources. This is why it was designated as a Ramsar site in 1981, due to its rich biodiversity and socio-economic importance. The lake spans across three districts - Puri, Khurda, and Ganjam - and is home to several rare, vulnerable, and endangered animal species listed in the IUCN. These species depend on the lake for their survival, either for their entire life cycle or part of it.

In conclusion, the introduction of solar and electric-powered boats in Chilika Lake is a crucial step towards preserving its natural beauty and promoting sustainable development. It is an opportunity for us to make a positive impact on the environment by reducing our carbon footprint and preserving the biodiversity of this precious ecosystem. Let us all join hands and support this initiative for a better tomorrow.

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