Singer Adele's hearing was damaged by a rare infection, causing her to lose partial hearing, which she describes as being worse than childbirth.

She has a severe infection causing her distress.

October 27th 2024.

Singer Adele's hearing was damaged by a rare infection, causing her to lose partial hearing, which she describes as being worse than childbirth.
During her performance in Las Vegas on Friday, Adele opened up to her fans about her recent health struggles. The 36-year-old singer shared that she had been battling an ear infection, which she described as "pretty grim." This infection was the result of a rare water bacteria that she contracted while in Munich for a ten-day residency in August.

Adele, known for her powerful vocals and emotional performances, revealed that the pain from her ear infection was worse than childbirth. She explained that the infection was very hard to treat and that she had never experienced anything like it before. The Sun reported that she was even prescribed the wrong antibiotics at first, causing her to consider "chopping [her] ear off." Thankfully, she is now out of pain, but she did mention that she is a bit deaf in her left ear.

This is not the first time Adele has opened up about her health battles. In 2013, she revealed that she had suffered from an uncomfortable infection caused by sweating under the hot lights during her performances at The Colosseum at Caesars Palace. She described the infection as "grim" and admitted that it was a bit crude, but she had never known it existed before then.

But it wasn't all about her health struggles during her performance. In a heartwarming moment, Adele spotted Celine Dion in the audience and broke down in tears. Rushing to the iconic singer, Adele embraced her and shared how much she meant to her. Adele had previously shared that her most prized possession was a framed piece of used chewing gum belonging to Celine.

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