Should you close or open your windows when it's hot outside?

We can now resume consideration of these matters.

May 20th 2024.

Should you close or open your windows when it's hot outside?
Do you ever find yourself wondering whether to let the light in or keep it out? As Brits, we are notorious for eagerly awaiting warmer weather, only to complain about it being "too hot" as soon as it arrives. But it's not just us feeling the heat – our homes are also affected, turning into saunas and making it difficult to sleep. Even those who work from home may find themselves missing the air-conditioned comfort of an office, if only for a moment.

With the hot days seemingly here to stay, many of us are wondering what the best way is to keep cool. Should we invest in a fan? And if so, should we keep our windows open or closed? The answer is not as straightforward as one might think.

Generally speaking, it's best to open your windows if the temperature outside is cooler than inside. However, there is no set rule for keeping windows open or closed during hot weather. At night, it's almost a guarantee that it will be cooler outside, so it's a good idea to open your windows and let the cool air in. Of course, nobody wants pesky mosquitos or flies to come in as well, so it's best to use a net curtain or something to block them.

When the day heats up, it may be better to keep your windows closed and rely on closed curtains and blinds to keep the heat out. It's important to be mindful of whether it's hotter inside or outside, and the best way to do this is to have a thermometer in both places and act accordingly.

The NHS recommends keeping rooms that face the sun as shaded as possible during a heatwave. This can be achieved by closing curtains and blinds. Energy company 100Green also suggests specific times to open your windows – typically in the morning or evening, and throughout the night. This is because the average temperature inside our homes in the UK is around 18°C, and when the weather peaks in the mid-20s in the afternoon, it's best to avoid opening windows until it cools down.

Another tip is to open windows at opposite ends of your home to create a draft and allow for better air circulation. You can even hang a damp sheet in front of an open window to cool the air as it enters your home. Of course, it's important to consider home safety and security when leaving windows open. It's best to avoid leaving them open when you're not at home, and to be mindful of ground floor windows at night.

What are your thoughts on keeping windows open or closed during hot weather? Let us know in the comments below.

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