Should anonymity be allowed on internet

In the online world, obscurity has come to honor. A person is free to say what they want without any consequences. But in the offline world, obscurity isn't allowed and people have to be responsible for their conduct.

obscurity on the internet shouldn't be allowed because it can lead to cyberbullying and the importunity of other people. obscurity on the internet has been a content of debate numerous times. While some people believe that obscurity should be allowed on the internet, others suppose that it's a trouble to the republic and freedom of speech.

The debate over obscurity isn't going to be answered anytime soon. The stylish we can do is to understand how obscurity affects our society and what we can do about it.

While obscurity is a great thing for numerous people, it isn't always a stylish option. For illustration, if you want to get a job, you'll need to give your employer some introductory information about yourself. However, you'll also need to be open about who you're in order to find someone compatible If you're looking for a date. Obscurity can also be dangerous because it allows people to bully others and spread hate speech without any consequences.


