Sherri Shepherd's success has been heavily influenced by her time spent in jail.

Reflecting on experiences where you had to figure something out on your own, even though it was difficult or challenging.

March 17th 2023.

Sherri Shepherd's success has been heavily influenced by her time spent in jail.
Being incarcerated in prison taught this celebrity an essential life lesson. Daytime talk show presenter Sherri Shepherd credits her time in jail as a major factor in her career development. According to Page Six, Shepherd spent eight days in jail due to a $10,000 debt she had accrued from unpaid moving violations. “Yes, I went to jail for not paying my tickets. At the time, I didn't think being in jail was a good moment, but looking back on it, I learnt to pay all my bills,” Shepherd said. “Jail was like a was a life lesson, and now I make sure I pay my bills on time.”

The beginning of her career in show business was marked by her jail time in the early 1990s. “One of the girls in jail said, ‘Leave Sherri alone because

she's gonna be somebody and we are going to be here for the rest of our lives,’” Shepherd told Page Six. “Her name was Shelby and she came to both my weddings when I got out. But sometimes people see things in you that you don't see yourself, and when she said those words, ‘Sherri is gonna be somebody,’ I never thought that for myself. So I just knew that something was going to happen.”

It turns out the girl in jail was right; Shepherd is now a well-known television personality, comedian, actress, broadcaster, and author. Her new talk show, Sherri, premiered last September after she filled Wendy Williams' spot. Shepherd also still holds great pride in her years spent as a co-host on ABC's daytime talk show, The View. “That's a sisterhood that just, the bonds never break,” Shepherd told Entertainment Tonight in January. She had joined the daily chat roundtable in 2006.

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