Sheep invade couple's rooftop, leaving them startled.

This is a rare occurrence.

August 18th 2024.

Sheep invade couple's rooftop, leaving them startled.
It was a morning unlike any other for Kristen Jackson and her partner Daniel Payne. As they slept soundly in their four-bed home in Whitworth, Lancashire, they were suddenly jolted awake by loud noises coming from outside. Kristen, 28, immediately feared the worst - could it be burglars breaking into their home? With a sense of urgency, she quickly got out of bed and made her way outside to investigate.

To her surprise, Kristen found four sheep trotting around on their roof. Yes, you read that right - sheep on their roof! It was a bizarre sight that left Kristen in a state of shock and disbelief. "You think the worst - is someone in the house? Is someone breaking in?" she recalled. But upon realizing the cause of the commotion, she couldn't help but burst out laughing.

With her phone in hand, Kristen called out to her partner to come and see the unusual guests on their roof. Daniel, 33, joined her and was equally amazed and amused by the sight. "He just started laughing at the fact that we had four sheep on the house, and they were just staring back at us," Kristen shared.

Their home, which they had recently moved into and was undergoing renovations, was partially submerged into a hillside. This allowed the curious sheep to climb onto the 9ft-high roof after sneaking through a fence. "We live in Whitworth and we back onto the moors, so we do tend to see sheep and cows wandering up and down the road if they’ve got loose," Kristen explained.

Despite the initial shock and amusement, Kristen and Daniel knew they had to act quickly to ensure the safety of the sheep and their home. Within minutes, they were able to shoo the sheep off their roof and back to where they came from. Kristen later reinforced the boundaries of their property to prevent any future animal adventures.

It was certainly a morning to remember for Kristen and Daniel, and even more so for the sheep who ended up on their roof. As Kristen put it, "It was kind of hilarious." The couple can now look back on this unusual event and have a good laugh. After all, it's not every day you wake up to find sheep on your roof!

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