Selma Blair speaks out against those who criticized her for posting about her experience with Multiple Sclerosis on Instagram.

She refuses to accept it.

March 27th 2023.

Selma Blair speaks out against those who criticized her for posting about her experience with Multiple Sclerosis on Instagram.

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Selma Blair has spoken out about the people who trolled her for talking about her Multiple Sclerosis symptoms on social media. The Legally Blonde actress was diagnosed with MS in 2018 and has been open about her journey with the condition, however, the 50-year-old admitted that she has limited how much she discusses her health issues on Instagram, due to some criticism from trolls. She clarified that her image descriptions are not for her own ego, but rather to help blind followers access her content. Selma revealed that it was an awakening for her to recognize how much people don't understand the needs of those outside their own social group. She also provided an update on her condition, saying that she still has symptoms but does not live in fear of the condition. MS can cause a range of symptoms, including vision, balance and movement issues, and while these can be treated, it is a lifelong condition which can cause disability.

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Selma Blair has voiced her displeasure of people who have made snide comments on her social media as she has publically discussed her Multiple Sclerosis symptoms.

The 50-year-old actress, who was diagnosed with MS in 2018, has limited how much she speaks about her health condition on Instagram due to those who make judgemental remarks.

The Legally Blonde star ensures her posts include an image description to help her blind followers access her content, and has noted that the captions are not for her own ego.

Selma commented to Today that people don't always think beyond their own social circle, and that this was an awakening for her to realise how her awareness of others' needs is perceived as narcissism.

She gave an update on her MS, explaining that she still has symptoms but does not live in fear of the condition.

MS can cause issues with vision, balance and movements of the arms or legs which can be treated in many cases, although it is a lifelong condition that can cause disability and is more common in women than men.

The actress previously opened up about living with the auto immune disease after she was diagnosed five years ago.

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